A Dream or Reality

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Chapter : 2

"Till death do us apart." they say. But even after death I found you.

             ****** RAINDROPS******

It was a cold rainy night. The sky was dripping since the morning. I was getting ready for a very special night with a very special lady. I couldn't waste any time. I have been waiting for this moment since I've had my eyes on her.

I checked the time; damn I was already late. I grabbed the umbrella and ran out of my room in a huff.

It was pelting down heavily. Even though I had the umbrella I was half drenched. I was on my way to pickup her from her house until...

I saw her wearing a beautiful dress dancing in the rain; Feeling every drop of the water. The rain was almost too gentle for me to hear. The sound of rain echoed their way into my ears as I watched you dance in the beauty of the rain.

She gives me the foundation to build my life upon.

I stand still looking at her beauty and suddenly her eyes landed on me. I feel like she was saying something. Maybe she was inviting me to join her. I, honestly, couldn't even move. Even though it was all blurry I could feel everything.

She walked towards me slowly; almost too close. She was soo beautiful. Although the rain was hugging her every inch of her body; i could still smell her. She smell like jasmine yes!! She was about to say something until...

Everything went blank and I woke up hurriedly. Its the same dream again. But this time it was different. This time I felt her smell.

Having to know that theres someone out there whom I love more than anything but dont know who it is; dont even know her face or anything is a complete madness.

But i know for sure that i can feel her if she ever show up in this life. Sometimes it feels insane; just thinking about it. Most of the time i feel like i am diving in the insanity river; feels like i am making myself crazy.

Or it is crazy.

I should be controlling my own body. I should know when to put a stop on this misery but i don't know some part of me makes me want to believe in this dream.

Call me crazy but i want to know what happened in the dream. Who is this girl? And why do i feel soo hurt. And why i cant see any other things. Why only that moment.

I want to know. But how?

"What do you think about this coat?" Mason asked.

"This one's alright. But the colour is too bright."

"Omg Pat! What am I gonna do? My dad will kill me if I don't dress up nicely. You know how he is." Mason said worried and annoyed.

No complain, Mason's dad is very nice person. It's just, When it comes to meetings, parties and specially with the work or meeting with elite people, he never steps back. He takes it very seriously. His dad is very hardworking person and I actually think that It's good to be serious about your work.

Mason's family is like a elite family, owns four hotels in the country. They live like royal with castle like house, have butlers to do their chores and everything. But however rich they might be, they're very kind hearted people; down to earth honestly. So is Mason. He never flaunts his wealth towards anyone. He loves to visit my house and loves to eat my moms home cooked meals. Sometimes his mom visits my house too. I think that's the reason he's my best friend.

Mason and his family are attending the 10th year anniversary of The Crown Hotel in the city. So he's worried about his looks for today's event. He should be there by 5pm sharp. And now it's 4:40pm and he's still not ready.

"I am gonna be soo late. Dad will kill me." Mason panicked.

"Whatever!!! I'll just wear this. I wish you were going with me. I would be soo much comfortable."

"Naah!! You go!! I'll see you tomorrow at uni." I reassured him.

"Ok!! I dont have to tell you but Have dinner before you go home and maybe the library. You like to steal my book anyway. "Mason then rushed to his car.

I went inside to his house and went straight to his library as he said. Mason has a separate entire hall for keeping all kind of books around the world. His dad loves collecting books. Always brings atleast 3 or 4 books from his trip. I think it's as big as the one at uni which was the best part for me. I enjoy reading all kinds of books. I could spend hours and hours in the library, not worrying about anything at all.

As I was scanning all the books in the library, I get a call. It's Mason. Seeing his name popped in my phone means he's in trouble, specially today.

"Pat!! You still in the house?" Mason panics. Again.   -_-

"What did you do now?" I answered knowing he was in trouble.

"I know you're in the library going through all my books. Ok just Forget about your book obsession for now, I need yoj to do me a favor!!!"

"What is it?" I knew something was wrong.

" I actually forgot my invitation in my room. Get it for me!!! please?" He asked like a child.

"Are you being serious right now? Are you trying to make me come to the party. it won't work this time buddy."

Yes he has done this soo many times. He gets bored at the party then comes up with some idiotic excuses and makes me come to the party. He knows I hate going on events like this.

"I am dead serious right now. Please Pat!! Save me from this misery. My parents will kill me."

"Then call your mom to take you inside."

"Are you insane? If I tell them there's no point of me living." He cried like a baby.

"Omg!! You 're so annoying! Fine!! Where is it?" I was furious. I hate going on events and parties. Even though I hate him for doing this to me, he's still my best friend. My only friend.

"You're legend. I owe you big time for this."

"Yeah right." I sighed.

"It's on my study room desk, top drawer in the corner. My driver is almost there to pick you up."

"Got it. Wait!! How do you know I was gonna help you?"

"Pat! I've lived enough life with you to know that, don't ya think?"

"Yeah!! Ask a silly question. Alright!! I am on my way." I fake laughed.

"Also throw something on when you come here. I don't want you look idiot in front of everyone. Try the dark green tuxedo that's on the bed."

"I still look better than you dumbass." I said annoyingly.

After I got ready, the car was here. I took the stupid envelope and went on cursing Mason in my head. I know his behaviour was an absolute insanity for me  but I am used to it. I hoped in the car and we went on a huff.

After 20 minute of endless like car ride, I finally got to the hotel. The building was so tall and elegant with so many glass windows; which I think it was. I tried to call Mason but he wasn't answering his phone. I took the envelope out from my pocket and still trying to call him. Yet no answer. I was fucking mad at him. I looked around still ringing him and suddenly I bumped with someone, causing me to drop my phone and the envelope. I was already annoyed at my so called "best friend" for not picking up my phone and then this happens.

The person in front of me apologised, reached over to the envelope and my phone slowly handing to me face to face, then suddenly my annoyed face turned into sadness. It feels familiar; the persons face, the smell, the beauty. I don't know something happened to me at that moment and I started tearing up. I couldn't talk or react to that encounter with the person. But something makes me say that...

It was her. From the dream.

It was very hard for me to write this chapter. Lol but still trying. I hope you like it. 💚💚 again ignore my grammer. 😬😬

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