I won't let anyone hurt you

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After the kiss Stephen and I just looked at each other smiling.

"So...do you wanna..um..come in."I asked nervously,looking at my shoes.

When he didn't respond, I looked up and saw that he was staring at me.

"Um,did you hear me?"

"Oh what?Sorry."He said looking like he just got out of a trance.

"I said,do you wanna come in?"


I let my hands drop from his neck while he let go of my waist .I then grabbed his hand and led him inside.

We were sitting on the couch watching TV and talking to each other for quite a bit after the kiss we just had.

I wanted to ask him something but didn't want to be to forward,but I couldn't help myself so I asked him anyway.

"Stephen when are you gonna break up with Rebecca? I mean, it looks like you were going to so I thought...."I said hoping I didn't sound desperate.

"I actually already did."

"Oh ok."I really didn't know what to say.



"I like you a lot and I'm pretty sure I won't ever stop liking you .I want to be there when you need me and I want to be more than just a friend ,So Katherine May,will you be my girlfriend?"

Oh My Gosh!He wants me to be HIS girlfriend!Is this the best day EVER or what!

"I love to be your girlfriend Stephen."I smiled softly giving him a hug.

We started watching TV until he had to leave .Which kind of made me sad .I wanted to cuddle with him forever, but I know that I can't.

"Don't miss me too much."He smirked leaning on the door.

"Oh,I won't."I smiled.

He then leaned forward and kissed me. I knew he wanted to go deeper in it as much as I did but we had school tomorrow and it was getting late.

"I'm definitely gonna miss your kisses."He said leaning forward.

"Yeah,me too.Now go,we have school tomorrow."I pushed him playfully.

"OK,OK I'm going."He said walking back to his house,until he stopped and yelled.

"Oh yeah, I'm not coming to school tomorrow because I need to go to a doctor appointment."

"Awww .Really?!"I pouted.

"Yes but I'll see you after school."

"Ok.Bye Stephen."

"Bye my love."

I went upstairs and could not believe what just happened. After a while, I decided to go to sleep because today was a long day and I feel like tomorrows was gonna be an okay day but also a long day too.

The next morning,I got up and changed into a white T-shirt,jeans,and white converse. Then I ate breakfast, brushed my teeth,grabbed my bag , then got into my car and drove to school.

When I walked into the school,I saw Jennifer at her locker. I told her everything that happened yesterday.

"OMG!You two are going out!"

"Yup."I said excitedly.

"Awwww .I knew he liked you!"She said doing a happy dance."All this dancing makes a girl wanna go to the restroom.I'll be right back."


I was grabbing my stuff from my locker until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and saw Rebecca look furious.

She slapped me and pushed me to the locker,then she started hitting me but I couldn't hit back.

"If you ever go near Stephen again you will get hurt even more .He is mine and always will be mine .I'm not gonna let a loser steal something that belongs to me!"Rebecca yelled.

She still kept hitting me until Jennifer ran over to us and pushed her off of me.

"Hey stay away from her Rebecca or you'll have to deal with me."

"Like that's supposed to scare me .Haha,yeah right."

Rebecca got up and left.I didn't want to be here anymore.I told Jennifer I wanted to go home.

The bell had rung and I went to the restroom to clean up .I had a bruise forming on my cheek and a little darkness under my eye. That's so not good.

When I was finished cleaning up,I walked out of school. Then Jennifer dropped me off and I went inside my house and just stqyed in my bed.

Stephen texted that he'll come over after his appointment a while ago,which is really bad .He'll see what Rebecca did!Oh well,he was gonna see it sooner or later .I was hoping later though.

I started watching movies and crying. I was very sensitive and just thinking about today made the water works poor out.

After a while I heard a knock on the door and got up to open the door. As soon as I opened the door Stephen smile went straight to a frown.

"What happened to your face?Who did this to you Kat?"He said gliding his thumb against my cheek.

"Rebecca."I said crying."She wants me to stay away from you."

"That's never gonna happen and I'm not gonna let her hurt you again".He said angry."Come here."He said pulling me into a hug.

"I won't ever let anybody hurt you.She's gonna pay."

Hope you enjoyed!Poor Katherine. At least she have Stephen by her side and he is sooo mad!What so you think he's gonna so to Rebecca?


。a wonderful day.


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