The temple

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The beast walks up slowly up the steps of the temple with the five children on its back.

Ikor: Ack!

Aoki: It's not broken... but the cut's deep. I doubt the pain's gonna go away soon either.

Ikor: Perfect...

Erron: At least it's not broken? Heh...

Ikor: Hmm...💢

Aoki was checking Ikor's arm. It was still bleeding.

Riff: Guys look! We're here!

The temple was much bigger than it looked where they had woken up. The door was almost twice as tall at the guardian.

Trek: Wow, that's a big door.

Erron: Whoa! This place is huge!

The beast then let out a loud roar. It shook the ground and the kids had to hold on tighter so they wouldn't slip of the animal's back. The door then opened up slowly, revealing a long hallway.

Kids: Whoa...

The beast walked into the temple and through the long hallway. The five all looks around at the interior of the walls on either side of them. Long wooden pillars seemed to be the skeleton of the temple and the wood had a purple tint to it.

Ikor: This is...

Riff: Wow...

Trek: It looks bigger in the inside than the outside...

Erron: Ooh! Look at those!

The windie pointed to a row of stained glass windows with pictures in them.

Trek: Those are beautiful!

Ikor: I think these tell stories...

Aoki: What are these Bohoja?

Riff: Uhh... Aoki, who are you talking too?

Aoki: The guardian.

Erron: How do you know his name?

Aoki: He told me.

Riff: He told you?

Aoki: I... think so.  Isn't that your name?

The beast, who apparently name is Bohoja, seems to nod as he continues down the hallway.

Erron: How can you understand him?

Aoki: I... don't know. I-

Riff: WHAT?!

Ikor: Riff what is it?

The firie points to a stain glass window, it's at the end of the hallway which they were nearing.

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