The First Heralds Scenes/Incorrect Quotes

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I will be recycling one from my last incorrect quotes as well

Ásta: Is anyone going to tell me what happened here?!

Taj : It's kinda complicated. So Baishan -

Ásta: Nope, Stop right there. Forget I asked.


Jia and Baishan talking about battles (Jia was signing most of this)

Jia: Bai why would I need to use lava? I'm a windie. You're the firie.

Baishan: I'm just saying you could've learnt some lava spells. Works great for intimidation. People tend to crumble into submission when the ground around them becomes a molten hellscape~

Jia: Oh like how you dropped Naiche to his death in it?

Baishan: Exactly.


Baishan: Wait no- He died falling into the water, he drowned.

Jia: Baishan you 100% dropped that man into a pit of lava.

Baishan: No surely not...

Jia: ...

Baishan: Did I?

Apanii : Are we in trouble?

Ohana Sr: Take a guess?

Ohana Jr.: No?

Ohana Sr: Take another guess.


Ohana Sr: Ayün dear, would you do me the honor of becoming my daughter in law?

Baishan: *spit take*

Ayün: Ah-

Baishan: Did you just f'ing propose to to Ayün for me!?

Ohana Sr: Well Baishan SOMEONE HAD TO DO IT
The first week of Herald training

Baishan : I hate Ásta.

Keryon : Ah- Hate is a strong word.

Baishan: I have strong opinions.


Aiman: Would you kiss me for 100 GD?

Tariq:Uhh... why?

Aiman: Just curious.

Tariq: Umm I guess sure?

Aiman: *Slams 100 GD on the table* Well would you look at that-

Jia recalls an incident when the First Heralds had to find the elemental crystals that are now in the castles today. They had split up so Jia and Ásta were alone.

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