Letters & fights

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I'm woken up at 3 in the morning
when I hear the commotion down stairs followed by something breaking. Normally someone would think their being robbed and start calling 911, but not me I knew who it was and like normal for me. I just went back to sleep and let the commotion continue.
-----------3 hours later-------------
I'm awoken again this time by my alarm clock. This time I wake up so I can get ready for school. I grab my phone checking all my updates and text messages from my friends, but one stood out from the rest. It was from my uncle Nathan~ dropped him off last night again. You know you can come live with us your brother did why won't you?~ ugh he always has to bring it up that I stayed and he didn't.

     He being my older brother Christian the one who left me here alone in this hell hole. He's supposed to be brave, he wasn't supposed to run away like a scaredy cat, He was supposed to stay. A single tear slips down my cheek and I wipe it away quickly. I stretch and yawn before I get out of bed.

      I go over to my desk where my laptop is and start playing some music on Spotify. I go into my bathroom that's connected to my room and start my shower. I leave the water running so it can heat up while I start singing the song that's playing and start picking out my outfit for the day.

       I decide on something comfy but cute (outfit showed in cover photo^^). Once that's done I hop in the shower still singing whatever song was playing currently it's treat you better by Shawn mendes my absolute fav!!! After 20 mins of having a private concert featuring myself in my shower remembering I have school to go to I get out and dry off. I let my hair dry naturally while I get dressed and do my make up.

   I usually go for a natural looking makeup unless it's something important or whatever, but for school I don't do much. I just put on light foundation, concealer, mascara, and eyeliner. Even though I'm wearing my glasses today I still put on eyeliner. My friends say I should just get contacts, but i tried them and I just didn't feel the same without my glasses. I grab my bag and Put on my shoes.

     As I exit my room I make sure to shut my door quietly knowing he's down stairs. I cautiously go down the stairs trying not to make a sound so I don't wake up the sleeping monster on the couch. I tip toe by, but stop when I hear him mumbling on the couch. When he stops I quickly but quietly get out of the house. When I reach my the driveway I start walking down the street towards school.

     Schools only a ten minute walk so I decide to walk instead of driving. Soon enough I arrive at school I rush to my locker keeping my head down the whole way there. I open my locker and a cream envelope falls out. Immediately I know what it is and I pick it up before anyone see's it. I shove in some notebooks and grab my other books and go to my first period class where my friends await me.

      My best friend in the whole world is Sara she's the sporty athletic type, my best guy friend Philip is the computer nerd/ guitarist, Joshua my brother type friend is the overprotective guy and football player/ secretly a really good cook, Lea my best girl friend the fashionista, gossip girl, makeup queen, and the most popular one out of the five of us, and me I don't know what I am in the group unlike everyone else they're my only friends. I'd like to think that out of all their friends our group is their closest group.

   " hey guys." I say as I sit in my seat in front of Sara and next to Joshua. Philip is next to Sara and Lea is no where to be seen. " where's Lea?" I ask Joshua seeing he's just as popular as Lea. He's the star football player maybe he'd know from they're other mutual friends. Joshua just shrugs in response to my question. I give a questioning look at Sara and Phil to see if either of them know. Phil like josh just shrugs, but Sara actually gives me responds and says," I haven't seen or heard from her since Friday, but if I recall she did break her phone at the Hollister sale." I chuckle typical Lea.

     The final bell rings and our chemistry teacher miss Lynn hasn't shown up yet which isn't weird. She's young and has two little boys and her husband is in the military so she has to drop them off at school every morning and is usually late. Before miss Lynn arrives Lea comes rushing through the door," didn't you guys here about the fight!" She rushes to her seat obviously out breathe. She sits in the seat in front of me.

     " God Lea first period and you already have gossip. I think it's a new record." Philip speaks up rolling his eyes at Lea. Sara smacked Philip in the back of the head," Philip shut up you know you want to hear what happened." She's has a good point Philip may not seem like the gossiping type but I think years of being friends with Lea has rubbed off in him. Philip glares at Sara," okay yes I do, but no need to be violent." Joshua laughs," Do you know Sara like are we talking about a different Sara like this Sara right here is the one that beat up Ricky Dillon in 7th grade for grabbing the last pizza from her." "Hey no one mess with me and my food." Sara exclaims all tough.

     All of us raise our hands in surrender. " OKAY OKAY! We get it no one messes with Sara's food now do you guys want to know what happened or not!!" Lea sighs frustrated and ready to explode if she doesn't tell someone her gossip. this girl does not like to hold in gossip if she has gossip she will tell anyone near her no matter who it is.

    We all nod in excitement, " okay good cuz you didn't have a choice. So I was late because Liam caught Oliver king with Mia caster Liam's girlfriend at her locker sucking face with Oliver King and Liam was furious and the guys started fighting till the teachers broke the fight up. Oliver ran and now he's somewhere in the school and all the teachers are looking for him." We all just stared at her jaws dropped in awe. Oliver King being in a fight wasn't surprising, but Mia caster cheating that is nothing like her she is like super goody goody.

       Her boyfriend can't even hold hand much less kiss her. Like I guess it's a sin to her, but if Oliver King has anything to do with her it makes sense. He's known to turn the nicest sweetest girls into sluts and hoes. We should know there used to be six of us ,but she was his first victim. Sophia grey the schools biggest slut and bitch in the school she was sweetheart and like a sister to me, but after Oliver started hooking up with her she changed and not for the good. When I tried to help her she made me her number one enemy still am. We sat still in shock till we see a group of teachers running by the class room. A bunch of people went to the door to see what was happening. Shortly the lights went out a bunch of girls screamed and guys laughed and what happened next sent
everything into craziness.
Authors note:
First chapter completed finally

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