How to be good enough?

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You will have many relationships in your life, but the one with yourself is probably the most important one

It can make everything better or worse

It can be easy, but it can also be tough

To some people this relationship might be obvious and simple, but not to me

Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I see my beautiful body, my long legs, and my flat belly, other times I see my disgusting body, my fat legs, and my belly that is not flat enough

Sometimes I see my quiet straight and quiet white teeth, other times I see my not-so-straight, yellow, and big teeth

Sometimes I hear my calm and warm voice, other times I hear my squeaky and annoying voice

Sometimes I love my makeup, it looks flawless and compliments my beauty, other times I hate it, it looks disgusting and makes me even uglier

Sometimes I feel smart, pretty, and quite funny, other times I feel stupid, ugly, and super unfunny

Sometimes I look at this one boy and think: "Maybe he sees me the way I see him?", other times I look at this one boy and think: "He probably finds me ugly, and stupid and jokes about me"

 Sometimes I love myself, my body, and my face, other times I just hate everything about myself

Sometimes I ask myself: "How to be like those other girls?", "How to get a boyfriend that loves me for me?", "How to love my reflection?"

I feel like I'll never know

Those thoughts are overwhelming

It'll be easier if I only knew how to be good enough

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