i headed to bathroom " run evelyn you've always been a runer ,god this girl still give me a hard time she act like a 17 years old " my mother yelled behind me i opened the bathroom door and made sure it's closed behind me,my tears start to fall maybe she is right maybe i'm just some looser who deserves to be left just like i've been left 14 years ago , my mom was a teen mom she got pregnant with jace her first year of college with her long term boyfriend that aperntly she found out she didn't love him and broke up with him later he still is a great dad to my brother they often spend time together my mom complained that she had a hard time not until she met dad she said he is the only one she wanted to marry and she did untill i turned nine things start to take another way they start getting into fights alot of them, my dad used alcohol as an escape and eventually get adicted a year later it happened, one day they got into a really bad fights after some time it was all scilence i was hiding in the bathroom when dad called me i start crying he hugged me and said it's ok he said that they just need a break and he is going somewhere for work and everything will be better he puts me to sleep that night i made him promise me he won't leave me but in the morning he was gone and 14 years later he isn't back yet that's when you learn that the worst broken promises are your parents's , i heard a knock on the door " eve you there? are you ok?" my brother yelled behind the door i fixed my makeup quick and my hair made sure i didn't look like i was crying and opened the door " i'm ok just mom still terrible at cooking i think i have a diarrhea " i said with a happy ton my brother start laughing and then looked me seriously " hey i don't know why mom keep treating you like this i talked to her like a million times , trust me you are not a looser you are not a hider you are not less i always look up at you in alot of stuff, the way you hundeled all of this since you were a kid is impressive the fact that you start your own business at 23 is impressive and you are killing it " i smiled at him " thank you brother ,the best brother so far " he hugged me " ok ,now let's go before mom regret both of us " he said joking while i laughed and headed back to the table and abby was there so gived her a quick hug while my brother gived a quick kiss i noticed alysse narrow her eyes, god alysse my phone start ringing it was taylor i excused myself " hi Taylor" i said walking to the backyard " hii ma'am i hope you are having a great evening i called to inform you that i worked thing with the HFC and the meeting is tomorrow i'll send you the address" he said excited " ok then see you tomorrow at the meeting go get some rest Taylor good night" i ended the call and walked back " hey alyssa we need to go we have important work tomorrow the food was good mom have a good night " i said while putting my jacket on " good excuse to evoide my face " she said while cutting her peace of meet i didn't answer just walked out planning to wait for alyss in the car " god your mom is an asshole" she said while putting her seat belt on " she definitely is " i replayed to her " so what are we doing now party? " how about go home and sleep since taylor called and the meeting is tomorrow " oh god why i'm doing this wait that was taylor i had hope it was some hot guy you were texting " she said winking at me " you know there is no such a thing that's the last thing i should be thinking about in this situation " i said not believing her " oh come on why not, you still in love with that jerk or something?" she questioned me " alyssa for the last time i'm not sure i even loved him i expected love from him but we dated for a week and he cheated on me don't even mention him please" i snapped at her i really want to be home right now me and alyss started living together right after college it's going great honestly
i woke up early in the morning not like i had much sleep i was too stressed to and here i am walking to the meeting room at HFC company " you got this eve i'm sure we will save our company" alyssa said trying to get my morals up i nodded at her in return i pushed the door and there he is ALEXANDER HAMILTON the CEO of HFC company i heard people saying he was too young to be but never thought this young i mean he look few years older than me not even in his late townees yet and he look really good he was sitting in his chair descussing something with his worker when he noticed we're here he looked up at me like all of me and then just my eyes " damit he is so hot " alyssa whispered in my ear i gived her a glance in return he had a sharp features a really difined jaw perfectly shaped lips ,soft blonde beard and siren sky blue eyes his hair was dark blonde Taylor start introducing me to people there and then he stood up to great me and now i realized how tall was he and that's because i wasn't short i'm 5'6 and it's consider tall but he must be something more than 6.0ft he was wearing a black classic pants with a white blesser and to make it worse he definitely had the body we shaked hands and i took a seat across from him i kinda of have a mixed emotions about this he was staring at me like he wants to know who is the girl behind this " so our wishes is clear we want BEST DESIGN company to be our partner in the project we just shared with you this as you can see in this pictures this is the place that the hotel will be if you agree on cooprating with us then we can start descuessing the details " he explained while waiting for me to replay i looked at Taylor who approved " we are honered to have the chance to work with a company like yours ,your work is impressive but MSR.hamilton may i know what make you choose us specifically for this work " i ask with a confident ton looking exactly in his eyes taylor choked up on something while ALEXANDER smirked a little " well i'm not a person who go for looks and big names i've seen your work and decided it was what i need on this project but if you find yourself not good enough for this i totally see " he said even with more confidence god the confidence this guy have is magnificent i'm great at pretending to be " no sir we trust our ability and we promise that we will impress you by the quality of our work i just tend to be a very curious person we accept your offer" i replayed and than looked at alyss who held my hand and smiled at me "ok then we will meet tonight to sign the contract if it's ok with you , the company that own the project will be there too of course meeting is over " he said standing up and we start shaking hands again when it was time for me to shake his hand " it was nice meeting Ms.clarke" he said while stepping so close to me and keeping his eyes looked with mine " nice to meet you too Mr.Hamilton"
~~~~~~~"omg girl i was about to die that man is a greek god ,damn i can imagine myself with his kids we can be the best old many style blond family " alyssa didn't stop talking about him the whole ride i was the one who's driving" but you know i'm not convinced on how he picked us there is companies got names and capacities it's just weird " i said to alyssa concerned " oh come on eve please we saved the company we proved that you're mother is wrong whatever his reasons were , we got benefits" alyssa said while turning the music on i took a deep breath" maybe alyss maybe"

found you
Romancea man who never belived in love and a girl who never knew it but there fate was much stronger then there beliefs and for once they found exactly what they needed in life, eachother evelyn clarke a young business women who own a small design compan...