Chapter Ten: Making Everything Better

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We woke up and he looked at me and said: "  Hey your up."  I looked at him and said: "  Yeah I love last night."  He looked at me and said: "  We will be going out today just getting away from it all." I looked at him and said: "  What do I need to put on one of those sundresses?'I looked at him and said: "  What color do you want me to wear."  He looked at me and said: "  This one I have never seen you in this color." I looked at it and go to put it on and it looks like this.  

He kissed me and said: "  I want this day to be me and you so I find a place no one can see us or find us

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He kissed me and said: "  I want this day to be me and you so I find a place no one can see us or find us."  We were having a picnic when he grabbed me and we went to hunt I looked at him and kissed him he looked at me and said: "  I am so sorry I left I should have never." I looked at him and kissed him and said: "  Don't you had to leave but your back now."  He grabbed me and kissed my neck and move all the food and kissed down my body he looked at me and said: "  Rough or Soft."  I looked at him as I moaned and said: "  Soft please Jasper."  He looked at me and pushed into me slowly and kissed me I kissed him back I took off his shirt and kissed his scars he looked at me and said: "  I am going to turn you around ok."  I looked at him and said: "  I want soft today honey."  He looked at me and said: "  It's not going to be rough I promise."  He pushed back inside me as he kissed my back I moaned as he put me on top of him and looked at me and said: "  Go as fast as you want bunny."  I looked at him and went up and down on his cock slowly I wanted to really enjoy every moment of this we finally came together and he looked at me and said: "  We need a day where we take all your kink out for a try."  I kissed him and said: "  I would love that but do you think you can last that long honey."  He looked at me and spanked me I moan and he said: "  oh now you want to be a bad bunny."  I looked at him  and said: " Honey I really don't think that is a good idea."  He looked at me and said: "  What do you mean." I looked at him and said: "  I know we love each other very much but what if its just to much for us." He looked at me and said: "  What are you hiding from me tell me bunny."  I looked at him and said: "  It's nothing I promise I just don't think it would be a good thing  to have the whole day to ourselves what if something happens." He looked at me and said: "  Nothing is going to happen but we don't have to talk about it now."  He looked at me and we walked to the cliff I looked at him and said: "  Come on you did it with the wolves."  We jump off the cliff and land in the water and we get out and I use magic to dry off our clothes and we go back to the picnic and eat he looked at me and said: "  We need to go hunting do you want to go."  I looked at him and said: " I have a dress on I don't like hunting in a dress."  He looked at me and said: "  It's just like before."   We get done hunting and I have blood all on my dress he kiss me and said: "  It's ok Cheryl it was a big bear."  I kissed him and said: "  Thank you Jasper."  My phone was ringing and It was Klaus I answer and said: "  What is wrong."  Jasper looked at me and said: "  Did you and Jasper have sex."  I looked at Jasper and he nodded and I said: "  Yes why what is going on." He looked at me and said: "  I got Hayley pregnant I didn't know I could do that take a test now I will call you later Elijah is on his why if he needs to talk to your mom."  We go home and change and we get there and Bella says "  What is going on you two look in a hurry." Edward looked at Jasper and said: "  Keyvon maybe pregnant with Jasper baby he is happy to." I looked at Edward and said: "  Shut the hell up."  I looked at Jasper and said: "  Thank you fo being happy honey."  Carlisle looked at me and said: "  How is that even possible."  I looked at him and said: " I am half witch/ half vampire."  We go to the store and get the test we get home to see Elijah and my mom and she looked at me and said: "  You didn't know so I am not mad so go take the test." I go and take the test and we wait I looked at Jasper and said: "  I know you are happy but I am not ready for a baby yet."  He looked at me and said: "  If we don't do it now we can do it a few year from now we got nothing but time."  I hear my phone go off and I looked at the test and said: "  I am not pregnant."  My mom grabs me and siad: "  You are getting on birth control and you are using condoms and cream no baby and no more close calls again."  I looked at her and said: "  I promise mom but we may need to talk about the condom thing."  She looked at me like she was going to slap me so I looked at her and said: "  Ok, OK I promise." Elijah looked at me and hugged me and said: "  I need to go and help Klaus and Hayley."  I looked at him and said: "  Ok tell them I said: "  Good luck and I will be coming to see them."  He looked at me and said: "  Our family is in New Orleans."  I looked at him and hugged him and said: "  Ok we will be there soon."  He leave and we all get dinner ready."  

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