Chapter Seven: The Worse Is Yet To Come

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It's been a good few months now it was Bella's birthday and we were going to have a party for her to be nice I looked at Jasper and said: "  I have a bad feeling about this." He looekd at me and said: "  I will be by you the whole time." We get there and the party already started and Edward looked at us and said: "  You are late where were you."  I looked at him and said: " We hunted before we got here now are we done."  He looked at me and said: "  Where is Bella's gift."  I looked at Jasper and said: " It's on the car I will go and get it will you be ok."  He looked at me and said: "  Yeah I will be fine Alice and Emmett are here." I go to the car and get her gift after a few mintues I here a crash I go in the house to see Bella pushed into a table and Jasper was being held back I grabbed his face and said: "  Look at me Jasper it's me Cheryl please look at me."  He clams down and runs outside and I follow him he clams down and he looks at me and says "  I'm sorry I smelled her blood and I couldn't stop myself."  I looked at him and said: "  I don't blame you we just not getting our bloodlust under control."  We get back to the house and Edward was talking and he said: " We all need to leave now."  I looked at him and said: "  What do you mean leave no."  He looked at me and said: "  Jasper could have hurt Bella do you understand." I looked at him and said: "  I don't care you bring her here she knew what she was getting into."  Jasper looked at me and said: "  It would be a good idea I could get my bloodlust under control and people are starting to see that me and Carlisle are not aging."  I looked at him and said: " Fine I will be coming with you."  Edward looked at me and said: "  No you can't come with us you have to stay here."  I looked at him and said: "  Shut the hell up before I hurt you."  Jasper looked at me and said: "  I want you to stay here and look after your family in case Victoria comes back."  I looked at him and hugged him and said: "  Will you come back."  Edward looked at him and siad: "  We are not coming back it is to dangerous to come back."  I looked at Edward as my eye truned red and said: "  Shut up I will kill you."  Jasper grabbed my face and said: "  I will come back when everything clams down ok."  I kissed him and said: "  Ok can I stay tonight into you leave in the morning."  He kissed me and said: " You know you can stay and sleep with me tonight." We stayed up all night into the sun came up and he kissed me as he got done packing and gice me a key and said: "  This is the key to the house if you every need to come and sleep in my bed I still have some clothes in there with my scent on them."  I kissed him as I cried and said: "  I love you so much."  He kissed me and said: "  I love you to Kitten I will always love you."  After he kisses me they leave and Edward leaves after he tell Bella I could smelled Bella in the woods I went to get her in the back of my mind this was all her fault and I was going to kill her as I was running to her someone ran and grabbed me and I see that it is Rebekah I looked at her and said : "  Get the hell off me now."  She looked at me and said: "  I am your best friend I didn't know you were in the car with Elena believe me please."  I looked at her and started to cry and said: " It hurt please make it stop."  She looked at me and said: "  What happened to the boy."  I looekd at her and said: "  He left it's all that bitches fault I am goint to kill her."  I was trying to me but Elijah looked at me and said: "  You need to turn it off all the feeling the pain turn it off."  I always trusted Elijah so I did what he said and I truned it off and he looked at me and said: "  I will be telling you mother you will be going to school in Mystic Falls for a while."  I looked at him and said: "  OK let's go."  We go and tell my mother and she comes to me and hugged me and said: "  I love you so much."  I looked at her and said: "  I love you too momma."  We go to Mystic falls and I run into Elena and she said: "  Hey Cheryl your back."  I looked at her and said: "  I will not be back for long I am hungry."  I see this boy with blond hair I go up to him and said: "  Hey do you want to get out of here."  He looked at me and said: "  Yes beauitful."  We go to a empty praking lot and he touches me I looked at him and said: "  Jasper I love you."  He looked at me and said:   Who the hell is Jasper."  I looked at him and I bite him taking all the blood out of his body I forgot how good the blood felt going down my throat as I was still drinking him his arms were stuck to my body I pulled them off and Damon pulled me out the car and said: "  Cherly what the hell are you doing."  I looked at him and said: "  I was trying to enjoy my food now get out my way."  He looked at me and then in the car and said: " Great another ripper for me to look after."  I looked at him and said: "  I am not a ripper I can stop when I want to I wanted to do this."  He looekd at me and said: "  Why did you want to do this."  I looked at him and said: "  Because only Jasper can touch me like that no one else." He looked at me and said: "  Who is Jasper."  I looked at him and said: " I can't tell you that because you will go find him and I don't want him to worry about me."  I snapped Damon's neck and I go and get my next meal for the night it has been like this for the pasted six months when I call my mom I don't tell her what I am doing but I can tell Stefan and Sophie know what is going on I was talking to this girl she was so selfess talking about how her friend should forgive her for sleeping with her boyfriend I told her it was this party in the wood and she followed me and I drink all her blood and ripped her head off and went to sleep that night and this happened.  

 Cheryl and Lilith Pov

I woke up in my head again and saw Lilith and said: "  Why am I here."  She looked at me and said: "  This is not you what is going on with you turn it back on now." I looked at her and said: " He is gonna and I don't want to feel that."  She looked at me and said: " It's ok to be sad you need to feel that."  I looked at her and said: "  No I don't want to feel that pain it hurts and I can't deal with that not for two years." She looked at me and said: "  He will not be gone that long he will come back, honey."  I looked at her and said: "  It has been six months since he is not coming back."  I wake up and find a spell to keep her out of my head but to no luck. 

Lilith Pov 

I need to find a way to talk to Jasper to get him to come back and get Cheryl back I found a way to get in his head and I looked at Major and he said: "  Honey it is not good for three people to share a body you know that."  I looked at him and said: " I need to talk to Jasper now please."  I could see Jasper in the corner of his mind looking at old videos of him and Cheryl I grabbed him and said: "  You have been gone for long enough come and get her."  He looked at me and said: "  We all come back tomorrow Bella and Edward are going to meet the Voltuir."  I looked at him and said: "  You need to come now she is getting worse please."  Major looked at me and said: "  What is going on."  I show them the number of people she has kill and how for the past six month Jasper looked at me and said: "  All blonde men and she calls my name every time why."  I looked at him and said: " She misses you but she won't let her emotions come back she misses you but won't let herself feel it."  He looked at me and Major and said: "  Both of you get the fuck out of my head so I can go and get her now."  I leave and go back to Cheryl.  

Back to Cheryl Pov 

I  go to this party and find a boy he looked so much like Jasper I didn't even bother to talk to him for fear he may sound like him to I wait into he went to he backyard and grabbed him and bit his neck his blood tasted off I just thought it was cause he was drinking  He grabbed my ass he was a little fighter I will give him that I scearmed and said: "  Jasper more pleae huh."  The next thing I know I was being picked up I bite harder hoping it wasn't a wolf I looked at his face and like the pasted six months they all looked like Jasper but was never really him but this touch felt so really and the blood tasted so real the next thing I know the boy says "  You can't bite as hard as you want I am real."  I looked at him and jumped off and said: "  Your not really he is never coming back."  He looked at little sad when I said that and said: "  I am back see I am right here in front of you I told you I would come back."  I looked at him and grabbed his neck and said: "  Your not real this is just me going crazy. "  He grabbed my hand and pushed me into a tree and said: "  I guest Lilith was right there is only one way for you to believe it me." I was wearing one of Jasper favorite dresses he pulled my underwear off and as he took of his pants he pushed inside me he pushed inside me over and over and I only ever felt this feeling with one person I looked at him and started to cry and said: "  Jasper it is you, you came back."  He truned me around and grabbed my neck as he pounded into me and said: "  I told you I was coming back you didn't believe me."  I looked at him and said: "  I knew you were but I didn't know when Edward said you were never coming back harder please I have missed you."  He looked at me and bite my lip into it started to bleed and said: "  I told you I was coming back and I wouldn't be gone for long but you listen to Edward and not me fuck I missed being inside you."  I looked at him and moaned and siad: "  I am so sorry Daddy please let me cum I need to cum."  He looked at me and said: "  Since I did this to you I will let you come but we come at the same time."  He bite my neck as he came inside me I know this was really because it was the first time I every came in six months and I have missed the feeling of him coming inside me he loked at me and said: "  Kitten it is time to go home and turn your emotions."  I truned them on and said: "  I missed you so much I killed all those people."  He looked at me and said: "  I will always be here I promise and you would not be the first person to kill someone."  I was about to fell but he grabbed me and put me in the car and I follow asleep on the ride home. 

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