Chapter 3

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Etían woke up with a jolt, because he felt his body moving. He opened his eyes to Skylar's face, which was scratched up and partially covered in soot. He looked behind Skylar and saw huge clouds of smoke rise up in the air. "Ngh… Wait.. Where's my father..?" Etían asked. 

Skylar looked down at him. "It's okay. Mr. Talise is off on a business trip. One of your fangirls tried breaking in and started a fire. I've already got firefighters at the house. I called Mr. Talise and he said that we could stay in the guest house until the mansion's rebuilt."
Etían looked terrified, but he couldn't process anything Skylar said. Ugh…my head.. He thought before drifting back to sleep.

Skylar looked down at Etían's face and smiled. He's so cute when he sleeps, Skylar thought. He set Etían down on the couch in the guest house and went to take a shower.

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