The birth of the name of Nightmare

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I'm standing on one of the Posca castles balconies while looking at my medallions picture

I'm standing on one of the Posca castles balconies while looking at my medallions picture

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(They're siblings Daniela didn't have any past lover)

Dan and Daniela siblings forever no matter how much we annoy each other we'll be together sister - your older brother Dan. It pains me remembering the night.. my brother died protecting me..from being taken away if I wasn't so fragile back then he'd still be alive. I frowned not letting tears escape my eyes. Snowy rubs her head into my leg in a comforting way. I looked down at her with a small smile which probably made my dimple on my right check show a little. Then we started communicating telepathically which made my eyes turn light periwinkle and my skin paller than before.

 Then we started communicating telepathically which made my eyes turn light periwinkle and my skin paller than before

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D:I'm fine snow you don't have to worry..

S: Nonsense! You obviously not fine.. I can feel your emotions building up and are waiting to explode Niela..I miss Ace aswell as you miss Dan.. but we need to move on if we want defeat Vettel and Rarrken

D: Sigh..what I would do without you?

S:I'll always be by your side no matter what.

D:T-thank you partner

We end our conversation and I felt that my cheeks are wet from tears. I wiped them away.

"You finally snapped out of your state" The voice of my tomorrow's opponent spoke

"What are you doing here?" I said not looking at him

"Just happened to be wanting fresh air. While walking into the only unlocked balcony I spotted you and your monster. But you both were not looking normal your vibrant colors were blured and your eyes were glowing icy blue like hers. I didn't pay much attention into it until I saw your tears. I thought you were under pain so I tried to snap you out of your trance. Do you mind telling me what was that all about?" Vettel asked

I hesitate for few moments then spoke up

"Have you heard of telepaths?" I asked

"I heard it's very rare case in order to do that the monster and their partner have to have strong bond."

"Well the only telepath is me. I never thought I was one until few years ago. I thought something and a female voice I recognized being snowys spoke back. We use it to communicate. But we needed to keep it a secret so people wouldn't use us as experiments..which almost happened if someone dear to me wouldn't have stopped them costing his and his monsters lives." I spoke looking forward into the night sky

"...who would do that to you?" He asked

"People were scared of me so they told scientists and they tried taking me away. They called me a Nightmare girl. My older brother risked his life for me doing his most dangerous attack which killed the scientists, his monster and himself... I and snowy didn't have much damage but my brother and his monster died making me an orphan... soldiers of Carmon Kingdom saw me in the streets and bringed me to King and Queen Fourseasons. They gladly took me in as their daughters Bodyguard. I trained to be strong as I'm now to do my best of protecting the princess and others. I never did forgot his death."

Then unexpected thing happened he brings me into an embrace. I widen my eyes and froze since I wasn't used to physical contact but slowly huged back. I somehow felt safe? What is this feeling..?

Vettels pov

I huged her. Because she deserves it after what she has been trough. I think we may be on the same page just different sides..when she hugged back my heart something.. am I in love? I put my chin on her head. Feeling an urge to protect her all my life. "Don't think you're weak.. you're stronger than any other female I've met. Your comrades are strong aswell. But you're the one who caught my eye.. " I spoke
".....thank you for the hug..I needed that.." She spoke as we let go of the hug. I still held her hands. I noticed how close we are and blushed a little because I just noticed how pretty her eyes are even if they're the same shade as mine. We started leaning in and and our lips touched

We pull away after that and looked away from each other with blush on our faces

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We pull away after that and looked away from each other with blush on our faces. "Even if you're my girlfriend now... I'm not going to lose to you nor go easy on you." With a smirk
"I ain't planning on going easy on you either." She said with a small smirk of her own we looked down at our monsters

"Looks like we're not the only couple here." She spoke as we saw our monsters that are blushing while looking away from each other we chuckled quietly. Then stared at each other with our neutral expressions. "Well see you tomorrow on track. I know you won't hold back so I won't either." She said and started to walk away with her monster. She gave me one last look and went back into the castle.

"I really do love that girl..." I said to myself while touching my lips

'What are you doing to me..'I thought to myself

I looked at Rarrken who is  a little happy

"What? Happy you got a dragon girlfriend~? - I teased my partner he rolled his eyes while blushing and gave me a look as saying I could say the same for you.

"Oh shut it." - I said while blushing in embarrassment

He 'laughed' mockingly (imagine toothless laugh from Httyd)

{The end}

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