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I had something on my mind, though sadly I have forgotten what it was. I'm trying to remember. But its not working.

So I'll light a cigarette calm down.

I flicked the ash off my cigarette. I wait for a meaningful thought to stroll past the spot in my head I am seated at.

Maybe I can spark a conversation. Create some interest in something, or a meaning.

I will sit, and wait. There is no point in following the road. For it is endless, infinite in any direction. There are only benches. Places to sit, and wait.

Oh no...

What if some thoughts decide to take a seat as well?

Am I missing out?

Have I wasted time?!

Why at such a time like this did I take my seat?

What is supposed to happen?

I'm claustrophobic..

I'm crowded.

When did all of them sit on my bench?

I need to leave them I don't appreciate their company.

As I walk down this endless road,

I do not know direction,

And I cannot see black.

There are no shadows in this place. On my minds road.

I have found a tree

I was not aware I had these near my road.

It has.

It has...

It has shade.....

There must be light here.

I wonder,

if I wait in the light here,

will I burn?

I have found a thought under this tree.

It is the owner of the shade.

I wonder if it ever leaves.

So I will wait.

I will sit and I will wait.

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