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This story is made by an award-winning writer; Noah Rowland, this story may contain some very violent and gory scenes. As well as violence. This story is age restricted 15+ due to the themes it may have in it. If you are a creator, this work is original work by Noah Rowland. Copywrite will not be tolerated. If you wish to make a story just like this, please contact the author through profile in the messages. And the author can sort out some things for you. Nothing in this story is not meant to be harmful/disrespectful to anyone in any way. Any rude comments of this story will not be tolerated either. The author takes criticism for their work, but don't make unhelpful and diliberate rude comments saying, 'worst story I've ever read.' Instead of only saying that, point out what you don't like the story. Those types of comments that has an explanation will be accepted. And if you are a writer, please, and please do give good advice for the author's work.

Also, I recommend you only reading this when you are not on-the-go this story has long chapters. Soon or maybe now I will update the texts to have more of a more spaced out paragraphs to try to make it more easier for YOU the readers to swallow more than big chunks.

Thankyou for Understanding
© All Rights Reserved Noah Rowland 2023

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