3: Princess Carolyn and the Lion

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The pair operate exactly like a Rube Goldberg machine. The alarms go off at six in the morning and two sets of eyes shoot open.
Judah gets out of bed in a position that is almost like he is sliding, and grabs his glasses. He smooths the sheets back onto the bed and folds the opposite side off of his wife. Princess Carolyn sits up, hops down, and stretches. She kisses her husband and proceeds into the en suite bathroom to turn on the shower. Judah has flattened the bed back, and he goes across the hall to Ruthie's room. She giggles awake, and he does a very comedic diaper change. Ruthie in arms, he passes Princess Carolyn in the hallway, and they spin the daughter into the mothers arms. She has already brushed her teeth- you wouldn't believe the amount of southerners who do that before breakfast- and goes to the kitchen. Judah showers.
Ruthie giggles in her kitchen chair while Princess Carolyn begins to cook with the dry ingredients set out before bed. The cold stuff is still in the fridge- she needs at least some chaos- but she puts together some french toast. She gets applesauce and blueberries for Ruthie.
Judah is now dressed, but his hair remains in a towel, and he does his best to balance it as he takes the dishes and puts them in the sink. No one saw him approach, but no one ever does.
Princess Carolyn sets the table, and heads back to her room to get changed into her dress and sweater. Judah get's Ruthie's chair to the dinner table and seats himself. PC joins only a second after.
"There's a pitch on the table today, and it's a big one! Maybe!" Princess Carolyn and Judah work together, and yet always get joy out of talking it over before the day.
"We're looking at an even more infinite user base than television plugged on a website! This is YouTube- Immediate streaming, immediate revenue ads, and unlimited potential!"
"Diane is used to being in front of a camera due to her times chronicling insider allegations for different business on Girl Croosh. She is an ideal candidate- but I worry she will not agree. Her experience with media has quite been sub par,"Judah replies.
"I've just got to get her at a good time! She has been telling everyone about how important today is for her with being at a sports game with her new family and blah blah- I just need to come at her with the same attitude! Give her a reason to get excited! She can apply how happy she already is to this new project!"
"You used to discuss that same tactic with Bojack Horseman. I am not sure how effective the nuances will be with Diane."
Princess Carolyn shrugged and smiles. "I'm giving it a shot. I have plan Bs and Cs."
"Do those back up plans involve hiring or assigning one of our other talents, or just Diane?"
"Little bit of both, Judah. Little bit of both."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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