The Perfect Ass-istant (Ningguang X Male Reader) {Smut}

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Please note: This story includes sexual activities. All characters are 18+ and consenting.

    Liyue's transition into an archon-free nation has taken a toll on the Qixing, especially on the Tianquan and her staff. Ningguang had lost many members of her staff, as they had resigned and left to explore something new in life. Living in a place which relied so heavily on its archon for guidance, many people felt lost and confused without his presence any longer. Many of the staff to the Qixing, especially those who filled roles in the Jade Chamber, had left to pursue other things. Others had been moved to other parts of the Qixing to fill in gaps.

     On his first visit into the Jade Chamber, Y/N was in awe of the design and the details inside, but was shocked to see the little amount of staff inside. From stories he had heard, the place was supposed to be a bustling trade hub where only the most prestigious of guests could attend and only the best of staff would be hired. While thinking of that part, he laughed to himself, "Guess times are really tough if they had to bring me up here," he mumbled. Truth be told, he wasn't all that bad of a candidate. For the last six years, Y/N worked for the Qixing in their main building, but never worked up in the Jade Chamber. That was until today, at least.

     With all the recent staff departures, Y/N had been moved to the Jade Chamber, as he was the next best and next available candidate. He had been elected to become the personal secretary of the Tianquan, Ningguang, as all three of her secretaries from the past had resigned in order to pursue other careers. Though, one of them had already been arrested for trying to sell off privileged information gathered from Ningguang's offices. Before taking the extra pay and the new position, Y/N was very often told about what would happen if he ever tried the same thing. But, with no intentions of stealing anything, including information, he hadn't worried much about that at all.

     Y/N stared down at his notepad as he walked down the steps of the Jade Chamber. On the paper, he had written down all the major things that had to be finished today. Firstly, he was to bring fresh clothes to her, wait for her to get dressed, and then properly introduce himself again, assuming she wouldn't remember the very few and very brief conversations they had in the past. After that, Ningguang would have to spend some hours doing paperwork, while Y/N would do his own in another smaller office located not far from Ningguang's own office. After that, she had a lunch alone today, though she would need an escort if she leaves the Jade Chamber. Other than that, the day was mainly just more paperwork and the occasional meeting.

     As he stepped into the main floor, Y/N could hear the clock turn and the sound of a new hour rang across the halls. He retrieved the clothes from the instructed room, and headed to the Tianquan's quarters. "Lady Ningguang, I am going to open the door," he said. After hearing a "Go ahead," from Ningguang, he set the clothes down through the small crack in the door he had opened, before shutting it once again. He sat on a chair across the hall as to not seem like he was listening to her or trying to watch her change.

     As Ningguang stepped out of her chambers, Y/N stood to greet her. "Lady Ningguang, it's a pleasure to see you again," he said. "I have been assigned here starting today, as you know. My name is-" she put a finger up to get him to stop. "I remember you, Y/N. After all, you've worked for the Qixing for what, five years now?" she said. He looked surprised. "Six, actually. Seems the document you were sent about me was outdated, huh?" he joked, hoping not to offend her. He had assumed that she read about him before being hired up here, not that she had remembered his name. "You're smart and fairly confident. What you just said is exactly what I had hoped for," she said, "And I did read your file, of course, but I do remember you. Three years ago, you talked to me about an idea you had, of which I cannot recall, although I had remembered your name from then. I was very pleased to see how far you've come," she finished with a very sincere tone.

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