Love Isn't Real

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Scarlet's Pov

"I've had enough of your bullshit Scarlet! We're done, pack your shit and leave!" Ethan screamed.

"You can't just kick me out! Where am I going to go?" I screamed tears rushing down my face.

"Oh honey I can. Now get the fuck out before I shove you out the door with all your belongings." Ethan got closer to me. I sobbed and ran towards our room, well Ethan's room. I slammed the door shut so he wouldn't come in. He's the last person I want to see. I grabbed and suitcase and started to shove a bunch of clothes in it messily. I took all my things from the bathroom and closed my suitcase for good. I swung the door open with a bang and stumbled out of the room.

"Please, Ethan don't do this." I whispered. Ethan groaned.

"Get out! I cheated on you anyway. You're ugly and annoying." Ethan yelled throwing a vase at me. I shrieked as it came in contact with the left side of my face. I sobbed and turned around and walked out holding my cheek which was stinging.

"Where am I going to go?" I sobbed looking up. "Great. It's getting dark." I groaned and walked down the street. I watched men stare me down. Fear started to rise inside of me as I walked alone. My heart beat quickened as I seen I shadow zoom past me. I jumped. "What the hell? Who's there?" I asked.

"Oh sweetie, your worse nightmare." I heard a raspy voice laugh. I gasp as I looked into red eyes and everything went black.

*Waking up*

I opened my eyes slowly and sat up. I looked around at my surroundings. "Where am I?" I whispered. I went to stand up but something was holding me back. I looked down at my hands and feet and noticed chains. I started to panic. "Where am I? Help!" I screamed. Tears were rushing like a waterfall. "Please help me! Someone!"

"Can you shut that mouth of yours? You're so annoying." I heard a deep voice growl.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" I whimpered. I looked around only to see two red dots. I wrinkled my face in confusion.

"I want your blood."

"What?" I asked.

"You smell delicious and I needed to have you. I'm starving." The two red dots began to move closer to me.

"What kind of sick bastard are you?" I squealed.

"I'm going to mark you and that will mean you're mine."

"I'm not yours. I'm not anyone's ." I snapped.

"Oh but darling." All of the lights flicked on suddenly. "You're mine." I seen those red eyes. "First I want to know your name beautiful?" Red eyes asked.

"I'm not telling you." I snarled. I felt him grab my neck roughly. I gasped for air.

"Let's try this again sweetheart. What's your name?" Red eyes growled.

"Scarlet." I shrieked.

"I'm Harold." So red eyes has name? Huh, great. "And let me tell you Scarlet, you smell wonderful." Harold's eyes turned a deeper shade of red. are you eyes red?" I gasped.

"You'll find out." Was the last thing he said before he turned my head to the side and bit into it. I grabbed his shoulders roughly to regain my balance. My breaths started to get slower as he sucked the blood from my body. My eyes started to drop quickly. Just before my eyes shut I heard a different voice.

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