Dance With Me?

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Harry's Pov

Scarlet looked absolutely beautiful. Holy fuck was she gorgeous. I could tell something was messing with her though. The smile on her face wasn't real. I watched as she slowly moved to the music with the other girls. Olivia pissed me off. Olivia was Niall's girl for now because he didn't find anyone yet and it's a rule that us ruler have a partner to the Royal Dinner. But Olivia was being so rude to Scarlet. I'm actually ready to rip her throat out. Unfortunately I can't touch her or Niall would have my head, not like he's stronger than me or anything. Anywhore enough about the bitch. Where's Scarlet? I looked around until I seen her gorgeous blue dress. Scarlet is calmly dancing with Jules. I like Jules, Liam's girl. Well sorry Jules but it's dancing time and I'm taking her. I walk over to Scarlet and hold my hand out for her. "Dance with me?" All the girls gushed and pushed Scarlet towards me.

"Okay." Scarlet quietly replied. I smiled and brought her to the middle of the dance floor where all the boys were rounding up ladies to dance. The soft tune of Give Me Love started to play and Scarlet put her hand on my shoulder and I took her waist and we connecting hands.

"Louis doesn't look very happy." Scarlet giggled. I smiled.

"Yeah he hates the bitch Sofia." I smirked.

"That was not very nice Harold." Scarlet joked. I rolled my eyes.

"Punish me mum." I pouted. Scarlet giggled.

"Your moms a nice women. And Gemma is you sister?" Scarlet glanced in their direction.

"Yes darling she is." I looked at my sister laughing.

"She did my hair." Scarlet looked at her curls. I took a strand in my hand.

"I kinda guessed that. She's completely in love with you." I laughed. Scarlet raised her eyebrows.

"Creepy but heart warming." Scarlet giggled. The song ended and people separated.

"I need to use the washroom." Scarlet announced.

"I'll be waiting giggles." I smirked and she gigged. He hand slipped out of mine and I watched her every move until she was out of sight.

Scarlet's Pov

"Where the hell is the bathrooms?" I asked myself.

"Down the hall and take a left." I heard a voice say from behind me. I whipped around and came face to face with a handsome man but not like Harry. "You must be Harry's new bitch."

"Excuse me?" I gasped.

"Oh sorry I meant blood bag." The asshole smirked.

"Who are you?" I snapped.

"I'm Josh." Josh shoved me against the wall roughly. I gasped trying to catch my breath. "And I know your exact feelings right now. You're scared." Josh whispered in my ear while smelling up my neck.

"Get off me." My voice cracked. Josh laughed.

"I want to have some fun." Josh smirked while his hands pushed up my dress. Tears started to fall.

"What do you want?" Josh's hands stopped moving once he got to my panties.

"I want you." Josh breathed down my neck.

"What?" I questioned.

"You're gorgeous and you smell amazing. I want you." Josh moaned as he started to nip at my neck.

"Well you aren't getting me. I'm already marked." Josh gaped.

"And that's going to keep me away how?" Josh laughed. I cussed in my head. "So here's the deal. Every evening after dinner. You will come to me and I will have my time with you. Deal?" Josh harshly gripped my wrist.

"Not in a lifetime will I be your slut." I spit in his face. Josh's eyes turned red and his fangs came threw and his grasped went to my neck.

"Listen here Scarlet. You will make this deal or I'll rip your pretty little head clean off."Josh growled. "Deal?"

"Deal." I squeaked. Josh smiled and let me down. Josh turned away and started walking.

"Oh and Scarlet? Don't speak of this to anyone, got it?" Josh smirked.

"Got it." I whispered. I turned around and ran to the bathroom. I gasped and grasped the sink. I wiped my tears away and headed out.

Harry's Pov

"Where the hell is Scaret?" I said aloud. "She's been gone for like 15 minutes."

"I seen her on the way back to the ball room. I think she may have gotten lost." Josh smirked.

"Why are you smirking?" I eyed him.

"I'm just a happy person right now." Josh smiled.

"And why is that?" I questioned.

"No reason. I just am." Josh smirked again.

"I swear if you're hiding something I won't hesitate to rip your head off." I growled under my breath.

"Well you have no reason to rip my head off because there's nothing I'm hiding." Josh went back to dancing with some girl I don't even know. I rolled my eyes and carried on out the door. I walked towards the girls washrooms. I was about to open the door when Scarlet beat me to it.

"Harold!" Scarlet jumped.

"Yeah it's me." I smiled. Scarlet looked surprised and scared.

"What're you doing here?" Scarlet's voice cracked.

"Looking for you. Is there anything wrong?" Scarlet shook her head.

"No. There's noth-ing wrong." Scarlet stuttered. I grabbed her cheeks softly and forced her to look at me.

"You're lying. What. Is.Wrong?" I sternly asked her.

"Nothing I said." Scarlet snapped.

"What did Josh say to you?" I watched her eyes widen.

"Nothing. He helped me find the bathroom." Scarlet was totally lying.

"Bullshit. Tell me the truth." I demanded.

"That is the truth Harold." Scarlet shook in my hands.

"I swear Scarlet if you're lying and he did something to you I will kill him." I growled.

"He never touched me." Scarlet cracked. I grasp tightened on her wrist. "Harry you're hurting me." I instantly let go.

"I'm sorry. Do you want to go back to your room? I asked her.

"Yes please." Scarlet replied. I nodded and carried her bridal style. I put her down when we got at her door. I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight Scar." I whispered.

"Scar?" Scarlet questioned.

"Can I call you that?" Scarlet nodded and smiled.

"Goodnight Harry." Scar whispered backing into her room and closing the door. I just stared at her door until a voice took me out of my daydream.

"Goodnight my lord." Josh smirked.

"I swear Josh." I warned.

"Nothing happened." Josh put his hands up in defense.

"Let's hope it stays that way."

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