00 : into the unexpected

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The seat of the carriage keeps bumping on their butts as rocks invaded the carriage wheels' perfect travel. Scorching heat of the sun hits the window where the face of the Crown Prince is peeking. His looks were telling how bored he was since yesterday's departure.

“Your Highness, please be patient. We only have half a day of travel before stopping at the border of Tersiari Continent. The next day, we will take the yacht sailing towards Voirdan. Princess Yaliah will be cured instantly when we will be able to meet the great sorcerer of Lensilvania Clan. Prince—”

Meanwhile, the only company of the prince, aside from the coach of the carriage, was his faithful since birth royal knight in shining armor. Worried that they might catch the attention of bandits since his master is displaying its face outside, he can't stop himself from talking continuously, until the prince itself glared at him.

"Stop talking, Havril, or else . . . ”

It made Havril, the royal guard of the prince, shut up. He knows the consequences, so better stay on guard and stop worrying from the idiotic and perverted prince in Cleintra Kingdom, Keroshi Zarryl Cleintra.

Prince Keroshi sighed as he finally sat properly, looking blankly at Havril. “I'm sorry. Continue talking now,” the prince suddenly changed his mind.

Havril chuckled from his statement and broke his not-so-fake sulking face. He knew his prince won't resist his cute, masculine visage. "I'm just worried, Roshi. Knights that were assigned in this area has been talking about the rebellions coming from different continent, who were traveling for years now, at the palace when there were banquets. And now, I heard the rebels will . . . visit Tersiari for their additional resources."

Prince Keroshi sighed again. He was about to close the gap between them when the carriage suddenly stopped in the middle of a rocky forest. Confused, he went out with his sword hanging on his hips. Havril's eyes widened, as his worried feet stride outside to protect the prince.

There he saw bunch of people who have masks plastered on their faces. Rebels, Havril thought. His defense mode rises, tightening his grip on his sword as he unsheathed it. In front of the carriage, he saw the coachman lying on the ground, lifeless. Fire ignited on his eyes when rebellions attacked. He swung his swords continuously, fighting the unwanted criminals on their land. Blood immediately scattered on the ground owned by those rebels, him, and the prince as the little war never paused.

They were badly injured.

"This is what I'm talking about!" he frustratedly yelled as the blade slit his enemy's throat.

The fight continues, resulting his muscles to get sore because of the numbers of the criminals. They are more than 30 and there were only 2 of them. Remembering the prince he's protecting, Havril ran towards the Crown Prince.

His eyes almost went out from its socket when he saw someone will about to throw the prince into the largest rock of the forest. The prince is busy saving his life from the five individuals, so he didn't saw the one who has a dark plan for him. Havril ran faster, but the world seems like to have a moment on its own, making him slower. His shout resonated around the forest when the criminal succeeded on his plan.

Havril didn't make it. He failed.

Without minding the remaining rebels, he instantly jumped towards his highness, tears dropping continuously, sobbing after saying, "Roshi . . . Roshi, please! Wake up! Queen Kathina will kill me! I-I failed . . . I failed to protect you."

The criminals grinned as they smashed something big on Havril's head, making him fall into unconsciousness, laying beside the Crown Prince. They're not yet contented, so, they smashed him again, so as the prince. After their brutality, they stole all of the prince's belongings from the carriage, even the sword that the knight and prince are holding. They spare nothing.

An hour had passed, Havril's consciousness came back—but only for three seconds, muttering some words anyone won't be able to understand, as he fall into the nothingness again.

"For-Forgive me, Your Majesty, I f-failed..."

greetings, my eggs! this story will be written on fil-eng (filipino-english) but mostly, it's english. this world is firstly created from my book Ancient Taste of Gold. i just used this and decided to take the setting here. let's also read the other stories included in this series, written by my fellow fantasy authors! thank you for choosing this, have a great read ahead!

loving you always,

Overlooked Love Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon