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[This is in the new castle, it'll switch between the old and new one because i like both]

4 sat at his desk as usual working on a video trying his hardest to make his video be as funny as possible.3 walked up to 4 and slowly rested his head on his back can you hurry up already? 3 had already asked this question a couple times quickly getting more and more impatient you've asked that so many times, I'll be done soon 3 groaned  you've said that so many times 3 pushed his face harder into 4s back okay, I'm telling the truth this time 4 took a small break to rub 3s head before going back to his work you better... 3 lifted his face up and went to lay in bed.3 was quickly feeling lonely without anyone to cuddle with.

3 was trying hard to be patient but soon just left 4s room to try and distract himself with something, 3 walked into 4s gaming room to see if he can beat meggys high score on one of the games so he could have something to brag about but instead saw x who looked like he was trying to figure out how to use a nintendo switch oh, hey xbox x turned to 3 and looked reliefed smg3!, could you help me play,i don't know how to really use this 3 looked at him confused and a bit amused you don't know how to use a switch?, isn't your other name nintendofa- don't make fun of me!! X looked at 3 annoyed alright i won't, let me help you

4 finished working on his video and got up and stretched his back geez that took a long time.. 4 looked around for a second and started looking around his castle for 3.4 looked in the bathroom, kitchen, storage room definitely not that room and finally he looked in the gaming room and instantly felt pretty jealous when he saw 3 and x cuddling up on the couch while x played a game hey 3!, I'm finally done editing, that means we can go and maybe cuddle? 3 looked up at 4 and smiled can't get up for some.. obvious reasons but come and join us! 4 sat next to them and tried to pull 3 into his lap instead of x's.x promptly pulled 3 back and draped an arm over him c'mon, let me be with smg3! 4 complained just like 3 did when he was waiting for him to finish editing well that's too damn bad x went back to cuddling 3 and playing his game.4 rolled his eyes and instead laid on 3 and snuggled with him.

3 could wasn't as greedy or demanding as he used to be back in the day but still, he had to admit, cuddling with both his boyfriends felt pretty damn perfect

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