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"WHICH IDIOT PLANTS 16 BOMBS IN THE HEADQUARTERS? ARE YOU INSANE?" Zoya cried on hearing the revelation. "You should have realised that already after being with me." "And you let this idiot make all of them?" she said slapping Omar on the head.

"Ouch!! Learn to respect your elders. I made 8 and he made 8 plus it was without krygonium." Omar exclaimed. "First off remember, this fact you are a terrorist doesn't mean you act like one. Second, you aren't supposed to be killing innocents without them knowing." Aasim laughs loudly as he drives. "There comes the funny part everyone knows."

In QUT headquarters, Karachi, Williams stops right in front of the entrance. He was watching all the crazy chaos from afar which had possibly been the worst moments of his life and the most chaotic thing happening in the whole world. This scene that he was seeing deserved an Oscar. Thousands of people getting their way out of the entrance. It was a complete stampede. The company's security ran away for their own lives. Men and women jump and punch each other to get their way out to save their lives. All cars stopped in a disorderly manner in front of the entrance to pick up some of the employees who were their family members. A few people threw Williams on the floor and stole his car. A pregnant woman had fallen on the floor, " YOU MANIACS, STOP KICKING ME. Oh god, now even my son is kicking me. What have you all thought my son?". One of the scientists was getting his hands crushed on the floor while he was trying to pick all his projects. "Oh no, my project. I would have been richer than Bill Gates with this. May every one of you be sinned." Two of them were kicking and punching on the side. "You will die before I die." one said. "No, you will die before, I die." The other said. Williams fell on his knees, slapping himself at this horrible sight. People were throwing their shirts, pants and suits on the floor. One of them was collecting all the clothes. "This one for my daughter, for my son, for my...". There were still some lovebirds in the company who thought to spend their last moments kissing each other. Even the police weren't helping. They assumed they were in a theatre and discussing. 

"Bro, can you see? He is wearing Calvin Klein underwear." One officer said. "I don't like it much. The waistband is not that comfortable. I would prefer jockey." The other replied. "You know what compared to all this best is ours...PUMBA. The brown colour ones are nice." "Yes, I agree with you."

Aasim drove his jeep and entered the back gate. No one noticed them due to the complete chaos. " go". Aasim and Omar ran to place the missile on the launch tube in the launch pad. They ensured it was aligned properly. Then, they got back in the jeep heading towards the control room. There was a huge crowd of people running along the way to the campus. Aasim pressed the horn and tried to get to the room immediately. There were still 10 minutes left on his timer according to the plan. Just then, the bomb squad arrived going through the main entrance. The whole bomb squad rushed in with the police trying to create a way for them with that huge crowd. Meanwhile, Aasim, Zoya and Omar reached inside the control room. It was completely dark. Just as they switched on the lights, they saw 10 people standing ahead with knives, metal rods and some with dangerous hand weapons. Aasim couldn't explain this surprise. He had never seen them. One of them ran forward with the knife trying to slice Aasim's neck. He dodged and gave him a flying kick on his jaw. Zoya snatched the knife and stabbed two of them. Aasim pulled out his gun. One of them came from behind and stabbed Omar with his knife twice. Aasim immediately headed to the control panel. He checked his clock. 4 minutes were still left.

He had to initiate the launch before the satellite came. "Zoya, take the gun." He threw it to her and started to initiate the launch. There were a huge amount of controls. Just then, it asked for fingerprint verification. "I didn't include any verification." All the men were shot and he saw Omar sprawled across the floor with blood. He ran and used his thumb. It worked. "I told you not to trust him" Zoya shouted. "I did it to ensure I would be alive," Omar said. "I could have killed you and still used your thumbprint." "Both of you stop fighting right now," Aasim shouted. Only 3 minutes were left. Aasim immediately checked if the stats were all right and clicked on the launch button. Just then, General Kadir entered and smashed through the door.

All three of them were shocked. Omar began celebrating as he lay on the floor with blood sprawled all across him. Aasim and Zoya ran to the door on the rear end of the control room. Kadir shot 3 bullets from the gun before the door closed. One got its target. It hit Aasim right on his arm. "Go catch them now." The general ordered his guards in his walkie-talkie. Omar was shouting out loud, "Hey friend, we meet again." Kadir smiled and sat next to him, "So happy to see you." "Everything went as planned, General Kadir. The missile is launched and now we concur the world." "You should work on your English, Omar." "Sorry, my Hindi is much better. What was wrong though? Grammar?" Omar laughed. "Not we, Omar. It's me." To his consternation, Kadir raised his gun and placed it on Omar's forehead. Omar's face turned and became like a white stone. "You are joking right, Kadir?" "Do you know how much money the American government was ready to give for the missile we built? I thought my friend would never disappoint me but now you pretty much did. Maybe it will compensate by selling your body to them."

Omar got furious. "You would stoop so low just to get the money, won't you?" "Yes, I would friend." Kadir clicked on the trigger. that was the end of Omar. Williams got into the room after the gunshot. He saw Omar's body on the floor and got terrified. Kadir didn't give Williams an explanation for what happened. "They were all chocolate bombs, sir." Both of them were staring through the huge glass window in the glass room. The missile blasted 1500 feet above the earth in height. This was the first ever nuclear test to happen in the atmosphere in Pakistan but not by Pakistan. The vibrations could be felt like a storm. The control room started to shake like it was an earthquake. The wind hit the trees so hard that some of them fell.

Aasim and Zoya were standingoutside the Jeep watching the huge puff of cloud extend up 20 km. it trulywas a wonderful sight. All those people who were running saw what happened inthe sky. The satellites captured. If anyone in the city wanted to know what thenoise was, all they had to do was look up. 

"We did it, Zoya. We did it."

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