3. 🍀

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Author's pov

Ever since Taehyung meet jeongguk, his life took a 180° turn. He enjoyed so much with the true blood exploring daegu and trying new things and visiting different places

Both have became very good friends. Almost best friends. Shopping together , having lunch and dinner together. Sometimes even having drinks together. They are basically now attached to hips

You know you just find that certain someone with whom you get so easily attached that you don't even realise that it hasn't even been too long since you both meet. It just there is this certain pull. It seems like you have known each other forever but in reality its just few months

The past seven months were the best for both of them. They almost visited every place in daegu. And now it was time for jeongguk to leave and Jeongguk was whining to taehyung to come along with him to Australia

"But gukkie-

"No buts tae. Come on. I am telling you , you gonna enjoy it so much over there" jeongguk whined almost throwing a tantrum like a baby


"Yes or No?" Jeongguk asked with a cute glare. Taehyung sighed for the nth time

"Guk what about my job here hmm? And the flight expenses-

"Oh come on you don't need to worry about that. Job leave it. Shift with me in Australia you will get more high paid job there and about expenses you do not need to worry about that. When will this bestie of yours-

"Wait no-

"Oh hell yes. So finally you are coming with me to Australia and that's it. You can't deny your boss's order" jeongguk said sternly and started packing taehyung's stuffs as they were in taehyung's house

"Wth! Bro! When did you became my boss?!" Taehyung asked , hands on his hips as he stared at Jeongguk with wtf face

"Today , right now , from this moment you are my secretary" jeongguk said somehow stuffing taehyung's clothes into his suitcase

"I didn't applied for the job though?" taehyung fired back , hands folding on his chest as he looked at jeongguk with squinted eyes

"But i hierd you and now you are my secretary along with my bestie and its your duty to follow your boss everywhere!" Jeongguk declared stubbornly

"Fucking fine!! Now move aside you handsome asshole , you are just ruining my clothes" taehyung said pushing jeongguk aside who did a victory dance

"Baby doll-

"Tf!! who did you called baby doll asshole?!" Taehyung asked with a wtf look as he nicely folded his shirts and pants

"Ohh honey, I of course called you-

"From which angle do i look like a baby doll , you brat!-

"Oh doll. You and top? Haa! Joke of the millennium and also if you see like that you would look amazing while cross dressing. You got that body babe" jeongguk said winking at taehyung whose cheeks went red

"Shut up asshole and get out from here. Let me pack my bags peacefully" taehyung said shooing off jeongguk who laughed his way out of taehyung's room

In these seven months jeongguk learned korean a lot and can speak with a typical busan accent. He stayed here in daegu but since his parents always talked in santori accent his accent was naturally santori so taehyung encouraged him to use that only and taught him to read and write in korean and now jeongguk can speak fluently in korean , read and write in korean to a good extent



"You want some coke bro?!"

"Yes bro!"


Eventually taehyung shifted to Australia with his bestfriend. Jeongguk even made taehyung to stay with himself in his pent house and taehyung even started his work as jeongguk's secretary after a week from shifting in Australia

Both were very happy. Taehyung even meet jeongguk's family and they were so nice to him. He meet jeongguk's cousins who were so friendly as well.

In all everything was going good. Taehyung was more happy in Australia with his bestie. His life really changed after a certain bunny toothed guy came hopping into in his life

"Ta-ae i- *clear throat* I have something to say" jeongguk shuttered out as he held taehyung's hands

Six years passed away in a blink of an eye. After two years of staying together and working together when the friendship turned into love , none of them noticed. Those stares , those subtle touches , those sweet gestures and finally jeongguk dropped the bomb of him liking the other

Taehyung was hesitant but was ready to give a chance to Jeongguk and he didn't regret doing that because jeongguk was the bestest partner. Jeongguk made him feel loved , wanted , cherished and took very good care of him

"What is it baby?" Taehyung asked looking down at his boyfriend of four years who was sitting on his one knee infront of him

They are on a beach date and of course as always this one is also the best one like the other ones but this one is a little bit more nice than the others

Jeongguk also encourages him to wear unisex clothes and always encouraged him to wear clothes without any gender or rank norm. Jeongguk always encouraged him and has been there for him in each and every situations

"I- *deep breathe* we have been together for six years. Four years as boyfriends and two year as best friends. Our first meet was quite a memorable one and I- I am so grateful to have you in my life. You really brightened my life...

The things you had to face in your first marriage. I still feel guilty to not be there for you but- but I promise that I will be always there for you. You make me so happy , baby and bring out the whipped lover out of me

I love you with all my living. So Mr. Kim Taehyung will give me the honour to call you mine forever and change that Kim to Jeon?" Taehyung sobbed as he saw jungkook sitting down with the most beautiful ring

He can't believe it. The perfect , amazing , angel hearted person he has been dating since four years is asking his the most awaited question. To marry!!!

"A million times YES!" Taehyung answered , tears rolling down his pinkish cheeks , nose red as a beautiful boxy smile spread across his lips

Jeongguk smiled widely with eyes shinning with tears as he slid the beautiful diamond-sapphire ring in taehyung's ring finger who was bitting his lips to stop his loud sobs

"I love you"

"I love you too" and they shared a kiss filled with lots of love and ended the night with some sweet love making with jeongguk worshipping his now fiancée's body


These are short books so the story will have lots of time skips..

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