🍀Special Chapter🍀

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Author's pov

A now 7 years old Jiyeon is waiting for her parents to join her so that they can go to the beach and enjoy. Well she along with her parents have came to Maldives to enjoy their summer vacation and she is so damn excited to roam around and enjoy

"Finally" jiyeon said in an exaggerated way, doing hand gestures when she saw her alpha parents finally coming out of their room wearing shots and t-shirts

"Papa. You look so gorgeous" jiyeon jumped at taehyung who caught her effortlessly and smiled at her

"And you are looking beautiful as always my doll" taehyung replied and kissed his daughter's forehead

"Papa , let's cage dad. What if someone eyesducks him and flirts with him? He is looking too hot for his own good" jiyeon said shaking taehyung's hand who was somewhat agreeing with her

Jungkook just laughed and shook his head before pinching jiyeon's cheeks softly

"They can just stare princess. Your dad is completely owned by your papa and stop spending too much time with your jimmine and jinnie uncle. You have started to use safe version of curse words like them" jungkook said and looked at taehyung whose cheeks turned pink at that intense gaze

"Oh well that's right! But jinnie and jimmie are so cool!!" Jiyeon exclaimed and whined at the end making her parents to shake their head with a smile. She happily skipped her way to the elevator with her parents following suite

The Jeon went to Gulhi beach. Jiyeon is all jumpy and happy as she walked down the beach along with her parents. They spoted a good place to lay their beach mat. Taehyung took out the huge bottle of Sunscreen cream and pulled jiyeon down and started to apply it in her face , hands , legs and neck later doing the same with jungkook before applying on himself. They put the huge umbrella shade before sitting down and enjoyed the site

"Dad , can't we go inside the water?" Jiyeon whined and looked at her dad with puppy eyes

"Of course we can. Let's go!" Jeongukk held her hand and they ran towards the ocean while taehyung stayed behind but soon he too joined his husband and daughter and they played a lot in the water , splashing water on each other

"Let's go and get some ice-cream" taehyung said and they walked to the ice-cream stall and ordered their ice-cream

"Papa , dad. Yeonie is hungry" jiyeon said in third person with a pout while rubbing her tummy

"Then let's go and change and then go to a nice resturante and have our lunch!" Jeongguk said cheerfully making jiyeon super happy. She is a foody just like her parents

Later they walked back to their resort and changed into dry clothes before walking to the near by resturante to have their lunch

"Dad" jiyeon called her true blood father while holding taehyung's hand. Jungkook hummed and looked at her

"Why are you so handsome?" Jiyeon asked with a serious face and blinked her eyes

"What?" Jungkook chuckled listening her question and so did taehyung

"Why are you so handsome?!~ i am jealous of papa because he is your forever partner now!~" jiyeon whined stomping her feet as she glared at her true blood father. The parents brust out laughing while jiyeon cutely grumbled

"Oh moon goddess! Yeonie" the parents exclaimed and tickled their little bundle of joy who brust into fits of beautiful giggles

In lunch they tried different fish dishes and chiken curry. The family of three enjoyed their time in the resturante before getting back to the resort to get some rest as they are going to attend a party at night near the beach



"I love you"

"I love you too princess"



"I love you"

"I love you too doll"

At evening around 6 the family of three went to the party. Jiyeon wore a beautiful floral dress and flower earrings. Taehyung wore a yellow floral t-shirt and black tight shoots while jungkook wore a blue floral shirt with black shorts

The family of three walked into the kids friendly party near their resort. Jiyeon being the social butterfly joined other kids while her parents stayed behind and enjoyed in their own

With his beautiful husband in his hold jungkook enjoyed the cool air coming from the ocean with a glass of Manhattan. Taehyung had a glass of Fruit punch. They both are avoiding to take too much alcohol as they have their daughter with them and apart from that taehyung has very low alcohol tolerance

"Babe" taehyung called his husband while watching the waves of the ocean

"Hmm" jungkook hummed with his one hand caressing taehyung's tummy

"Have you noticed one thing?" Taehyung asked looking at his husband with his beautiful almond eyes

"Mm did i missed something?" Jungkook asked looking down at his mate in his arms

"Not really but after we adopted jiyeon her scent has changed. I mean when we found her , her scent was as sweet as omegas but as she is getting older , there is a change in her scent" taehyung said and took a sip from his fruit punch

"Change as in?" Jeongguk asked with furrowed eyebrows

"As in.. you will notice that there is trace of your and my scent in her scent. Like a little" taehyung said turning in his husband's hold


"Would guys mind if we stand here as well?" The Jeon couple look aside to see a lesbian couple standing beside them with smile

"Ahh no no. Of course you can" taehyung said straightening his posture

"I must say you guys look match made in heaven." One of the two ladies said looking at the Jeon couple who smiled at them

"You guys looks so cute together. Are you guys werewolves or vamps?" The other one asked squealing

"We are werewolves" jeongguk confirmed and saw how thw les couple cooed

"Who is the omega?" The Jeon couple at her question

"Wtf babe. Of course him. Just look at him. He screams bottom" the same lady who asked them about their identities said while pointing at taehyung who blushed heavily

"I am not an omega. I am an alpha" taehyung said shyly and hid his face in his alpha's chest

"Wtf! No way this hulk is an omega!" The other one shrieked which caused Jeongguk to give her an offended look

"Excuse me! I am a true blood alpha!" Jeongguk said with an offended tone

"Ah! Now it fits better but its rare to see such beautiful alphas" one of them said wiggling her eyebrows which received a whine from taehyung

"Cute!!~ Btw i am Wendy and this my wife Irene" Wendy said introducing themselves. Her hands itching to pinch taehyung's cheeks

"Oh, nice names. I am Jeongguk and this is my husband Taehyung" jeongguk introduced themselves to the two ladies

"Oh. Those are wonderful names-.... wait! You sure you are an alpha taehyung-shi?" Irene asked after sniffing the air near the alpha couple

"Yes. I have red eyes. I mean crimson red eyes" taehyung said with a confused tone

"You are an alphanian omega" irene said staring at the Jeon couple who looked confused as hell

"Alpanian omegas. Those alphas who have more omega genes. In short they are like male pregnancy and their eye colour is typical crimson red" wendy explain which caused the couple to gasp

"I will suggest you to go and meet a gynac" irene said again sniffing the air near taehyung


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