Saviour in Crisis ❥ Seoksoo✈️🚘

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Seokmin stood in the bustling airport terminal, clutching his luggage, his heart racing with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He had finally arrived in the USA from Korea, fulfilling his dream of studying abroad. However, it was also his first time riding an airplane, and the entire journey had left him feeling jittery.

As he watched travelers bustling around him, Seokmin couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The airport was a world of its own, filled with people from all corners of the globe, each with their own stories and destinations. For a small-town boy like Seokmin, this was an entirely new experience.

His parents had waved him off at the airport back in Korea, tears in their eyes and words of encouragement on their lips. They had saved for years to send him overseas for his education, and Seokmin was determined not to disappoint them.

But as the boarding call for his flight echoed through the terminal, Seokmin's excitement gave way to nervousness. He clutched his passport and ticket, his palms sweaty. The thought of being thousands of miles away from home, in a new country with a different language and culture, was both thrilling and intimidating.

Seokmin took a deep breath, reminding himself of the opportunities that awaited him. He thought about the new friends he might make, the knowledge he would gain, and the adventures he would experience. With renewed determination, he joined the line of passengers heading toward the departure gate.

As he boarded the airplane, Seokmin found his seat and fastened his seatbelt. The engine roared to life, and the plane taxied down the runway. As it lifted off the ground, Seokmin's heart felt like it was soaring along with it. The nervousness remained, but now it was accompanied by a sense of exhilaration.

Hours later, as the plane descended toward an American airport, Seokmin peered out the window at the vast landscape below. The lights of the city glittered like a sea of stars, welcoming him to his new adventure. With each passing moment, his nervousness continued to transform into anticipation, and he couldn't wait to step off the plane and begin this exciting chapter of his life in the USA.

As he approached the entrance to the United States, a sudden sense of dread washed over him. He patted his pockets and checked his bag, realizing with a sinking feeling that his passport was missing. Panic set in as he approached the security checkpoint. The stern-faced officer demanded his passport, and Seokmin frantically searched for it.

"I... I can't find my passport," he stammered in English, his voice trembling.

The security officer's expression hardened. "I'm sorry, but without your passport, I can't allow you to enter the country."

Seokmin's mind raced as he contemplated the nightmare scenario unfolding before him. Just as despair was about to take over, a voice from behind caught his attention.

"Hey, is everything okay?" A young man with a warm smile on his face approached Seokmin and the security officer, his English crisp and confident. He held out his passport.

Seokmin's eyes widened as he looked at the stranger, whose passport bore the name Joshua. Seokmin didn't know this man, but he didn't have time to think. He needed a way out of this predicament.

With gratitude in his eyes, Seokmin turned to the security officer. "Oh, yes, yes, we are together. He's my friend, Joshua," Seokmin expressed in English, hoping he was using the right words.

The security officer raised an eyebrow but allowed them to pass. Seokmin and Joshua walked away from the checkpoint, Seokmin still in shock and gratitude. Joshua stood there, his warm smile unwavering, radiating an air of trustworthiness.

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