Chapter 2 The two lioness fight

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Chapter 2 The two lionesses fight

"Kingsley, it has to end now," Hermione said firmly. Her young face looked old now, old and stern, Ginny had to admit.

"You HAVE to tell us, Kingsley!". Although the witch had been staring angrily at the mountain-like auror for quite some time now, he hadn't been, by all means, intimidated, not in the slightest. However cornered by two furious witches, he still kept most of his confidence and charisma saying:

"Miss Granger, Miss Weasley, If only I could, I would certainly help you. But you have to understand, you MUST understand the delicate circumstances we are dealing with..."

"What exactly are those delicate circumstances you are constantly talking about, Shacklebolt?" Hermione was furious. She was fed up with all the bullshit excuses Kingsley had for his actions. "Why are you always keeping it secret?" She asked. "Isn't it enough for you that all of us are scared, confused and – most of all – desperate? Hasn't it been enough what happened to Ron? And WHY it happened?"

"Pardon me for asking, but why do you both think it happened? How deluded you are to even consider that I was a part..."

"Your secrets, Shacklebolt " Ginny drawled, cutting in. That's what made him disappear."

Hermione looked at her friend sympathetically. Oh, yes. She felt it too. He was her boyfriend, after all. And far more than that. He was her friend of many years, someone she have known from the first day in the magical world.

She blinked to stop the tears from falling.

"Stop being pathetic!" She told herself.

"We are here, and we are not going anywhere." She said with the greatest, the fiercest confidence, one that only young, genuine hearts can show. "Not until you will tell us where Harry and, as we suspect, Snape are, what are they doing...

"And how to help them," finished Ginny.

Both women looked at each other. For Kingsley, they were surely only little children, too young and foolish to understand the complexity of the whole situation.

"Fuck it" thought Hermione. "Fuck the reason. He is my friend. To Ginny, he is who Ron was once to me."

"I can't just stand and watch him die" she said at last.

"Then look away" Kingsley answered in cold, stern and cruel manner, his voice hoarse and strange.

Hermione, taken aback, froze for a moment with her mouth still widely opened. At that point, the rage blinded her and millions of silly thoughts and ideas appeared at one in her mind. For a moment, there was nothing she wouldn't do to pray the information out of this proud man.

But Ginny was faster than her thoughts, faster even than the young Lioness' hand.

"Expeliarmus!" cried Ginny and, sooner than second later, the old auror hit the wall behind him, his worn-out, faithful wand landing in young witch's hand.

Hermione watched in pure astonishment how shocked, maybe even scared Kingsley was.

"Don't you even dare to cry for help" Ginny drawled again, silencing the man with a charm before he had a chance to react. As it seemed now, all his training and experience was nothing in comparison to the wrath of two betrayed women.

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