Love hotel

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Starry's POV:

After Mias' lecture, I finally get out of bed and stumble down to the kitchen. My body has a warm glow. I take a seat and put my feet up in the kitchen island chair. No more Mia giving me a lecture. I joke happily to myself as Mia makes it to the stove and makes dinner. As she starts to cook, my mind wanders back to Selene and the night we had on the moon.

Everything about her at that moment looked perfect, and I felt so happy just being near Selene. My hands rub my lips as I look down for a moment, and in my mind, I wonder and remember every detail about her body: Those soft lips, her tall, soft legs, and that Rosy-wine-colored hair. I'm taken aback when Mia places my breakfast down, snapping me out of my memory.

"Something on your mind?" My eyes wander down to the fruit in the bowl, avoiding her eye contact.

I hesitated for a moment before responding, "Um... No, it's nothing, just lost in thought." I was preoccupied with a jumble of worries and concerns I couldn't shake off. Despite my internal struggles, I forced myself to set them aside for now and focus on the present moment. I took a deep breath and tried to center myself, reminding myself of the importance of starting the day on the right foot.

Meanwhile, Mia was standing at the stove, flipping a pancake with an effortless grace that I envied. The pancake sizzling gently in the pan filled the apartment's cozy kitchen, and the rich aroma of butter wafted through the air, making my mouth water in anticipation. Despite my worries, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and contentment in this simple moment shared with my friend.

Once done, she places two pancakes on a plate with a small bowl full of fruit beside it as she crosses her arms, ensuring that I start eating before making her portion of the pancake batter. "Ensure you eat up when you were out cold last night."I nod, taking my time to eat the fruit while my mind is still lost in the memories from last night. I was eating slowly and steadily, taking my time to eat. Mia gave instructions. "Also, don't forget today is when I wanted to go shopping so that you can come with me."

I groan, agreeing, knowing how painful shopping is going to be. "Fineeee" When finishing my breakfast, I walk around the corner, placing my dishes in the sink. Looking more closely at the reflection of the water, something looked different... It seemed my hair color had changed, but maybe I was seeing things. I rub my eyes before returning to get changed and ready for the day ahead.

In the bedroom, I passed by a mirror and was forced to do a double take, looking at myself once more. There's no way. Snow white hair and red eyes. Just like on the moon. Then, the flash of a memory comes back to me again. Dancing with her in that ballroom, she called me her little prince. The warmth of dancing across the moon with her, watching the beautiful red wine hair and wedding dress rise up and down, and my appearance changing once more. It was real. That only means I need to find more answers about everything. A surge of joy rushes through me, knowing it wasn't all made up, shortly followed by a rush of panic as I hear Mia come up the stairs and approach my room.

I rush to put on a hat, shades to cover my eyes, and a beanie for my hair just in case, even throwing a big puffy coat to protect the cold. But this was a huge secret that must never be told to Mia or anyone else. No one can know about the moon or my weird appearance. Just as I'm zipping up my coat, she comes in to check on me and looks at me in confusion. "Sunglasses? Whatever, come on, and don't start wandering off Starry." She tugs me by the arms as we head for the door. Mia interlocked my elbows with hers, and we soon walked out the door to the elevator.

I sigh once more, defeated. "Are you sure I want to stay home. This was supposed to be a snow day."

. . .

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