Sunrise in the City

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Someone's POV:

Within the late hours of the city. Everyone in the metro area had fallen asleep except for two lovers on top of the apartment building. Nikki and Mai spent the night together, the first night they had spent together in a long time. It was spent catching up and reminiscing about the old days and hope for the future. One that depended on a young boy who didn't have his future figured out.

Mia herself was still tucked away neatly on the couch. Until her mind hit with a wave of tiredness as Nikki sprinkled some of her flower dust into the ventilation system of the complex– Not only was she a skilled botanist but also a professional in herbs and certain kinds of magic. But not to fear, it was only a simple mixture that would induce sleep in those who got a breath of it. As the dust spread into the houses, many residents would call it a night and head to bed, including Mia, who went straight to sleep, not bothering to check on her best friend.

All the residents were sure to have an excellent night of sleep and feel refreshed in the coming morning. However, the plan was set into motion as Mai was prepared to leap through the night to check on the two they had left in the park. But Nikki shook her head and held his hand back. She warns him not to disturb the two. "They've already spent many lifetimes apart. Let's let them have this moment to catch up..."




Starry's POV:

After stumbling through the mist, I met her again, Selene. From above, the shining moon casted its moonlight onto a mirror attached to the cathedral, blocking anyone from entering. A figure was on top of a music box, a woman in a white dress as she danced when the moonlight hit the mirror, reflecting moon phases and playing a projection onto the clearing smoke while the rain continued to fall softly—for the first time in what felt like forever.

"So you weren't a dream," I said as my heart came with the thrill of seeing Selene again. Since we met on the train a few nights ago, I couldn't stop thinking about her, wondering when I would see her again. As we embraced me, I took in her scent. It was so familiar, just like the beating of her heart. I remember how vivid it was. She was the one who took me home that night. "It was you, wasn't it? Who lifted me through the snow that night."

She laughs as her hands slowly drop behind her back and nods. "Well, I couldn't leave you alone, could I? But I'm happy we met again, Starry. "

"Me too!" Then, I looked at the moon's position through the clouds. Yikes, it's way past my curfew."

"It's alright. Why not take a risk tonight? You can be someone you're not tonight."

The clouds shifted again as the moon's light shined once more on the music box. A faint lullaby played as the light from the mirror caused the projections to continue. The light shone like a spotlight, soon narrowing directly onto the butterfly clip neatly tucked in my hair. It split into two as the second light trailed and traced up Selene's flowing dress onto the star pendant, as a spark shone from it.

The misty projections glided past me and into the grand cathedral as if pulled by some ethereal force. I couldn't resist the urge to follow them, to unravel the mystery that drew us all to this place. As I reached out to take Selene's hand, a warm sensation spread across my chest, and I felt a lump in my throat. With a hushed whisper, as if sharing a secret, "Come on, somethings guiding me inside."

Selene followed me to the cathedral's entrance, a pathway with more flowers, wet from the misty night. The door weighed a ton as I pushed my entire body weight to open it. Selene laughed to herself, watching my struggle. The moonlight peered from the ceiling skylight, creating the illusion of a spotlight.

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