The Stupid one...Also known as my mate...

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Well this is my 2nd story...My first wasnt that good sooooo, I hope you enjoy!



I slowly took my skullduggery headphones out of my ears and waited, hoping she would give up on calling me thinking I'll never answer.


No such luck...

Sighing i heaved myself out of bed wondering what it took to be left alone.


"Im coming, mom....jeez!"


"I said that i was coming mom, just wait! Please!!"

I grabbed my Black hoody and put on my slippers.....Just in case.....hey you never know what moms can throw at you but you might as well try and catch it.

I slid down the stair case careful to get off right at the end.

Jumping off, I sped to the kitchen.

"THREE! Oh there you are, Do you know how many times I have called you young lady. Just about twenty times and you just show up!!"

Actually it was about two times but no hell of a way i was telling her that....

"I dont know what im gonna do with you, I buy you evereything, and i do everything too. Your a lazy girl. I dont know what i did to deserve you but i wish i could give you back"

Your not the only one..... Though again i dont say that out loud I just mutter an apology and stare at the ground.

"Damn Right, Your Sorry!! All you do these days is lag around listening to your i-pod! I swear to God, you were more useful when you were seven than you are now!"

Maybe because I was more happy when i was seven, and maybe because you didnt have an urge to yell at me for every single little thing I did back then, and maybe you didnt suddenly hate me back then and....well you get the point.


She ignores me and keeps bickering on how she has to clean and cook more than i do, and how she thought it was my responsibility as a daughter to cook and clean for the house.

"Mom!!" I yell again.

This time she stops and sighs, giving me the look that said something like "Im tired of your s***" and "I cant wait till your 18 and out this house"

Well...I cant wait either......But that wasnt what i was going to say...

"Mom, I know your very upset with me. Im very sorry. But can you please tell me what I did wrong??" 

"Look around!! Take in your surroundings! This place is a mess!!!"

i turn to look around, There was absolutely nothing wrong with the kitchen except for a few crumbs on the counter.

Over exaggeration can only go so far.

I quickly wipe the crumbs off the table and start climbing the stairs.

"I love you, honey!" she yells up at me but her face says the opposite.

Either way i yell "I love you too" back to her not knowing if i meant it.

Have you ever had that feeling that you just wanted to give up on life?

That your tired and cant take anything?

Embarrased to cry in front of people thinking of yourself as strong but on the inside side your as weak as a mouse?

Thats how I was starting to feel everyday...

I was starting to feel as if there was no real meaning to my life.

Sometimes i wished i could have a normal teenager's life, mine was just plain old BORING...

Nothing interesting has happaned in my life since the day I was adopted.

I dont really remember alot about my days in the centers, but I do remember one thing.

There was this one boy, who's name i cant recall who seemed to be able to follow me to every center until I was adopted of course.

I was about five back then and him maybe six or older.

I doubt he'd remember me and its still a mystery to me on how I do.....

Ding Dong

"I'll get it"

I almost flew down the stairs to answer the door.

Not many people came to visit, and i was home schooled so there was no way it was a friend.

I opened the door to see a curious set of green eyes staring at me.

He shifted the black hair out of his face and reached his hand out at me.

"Hello, My name is Sythe, Sythe Green, Nice to meet you, i believe we've met before."

"I believe we haven't" I growled back.

I dont know why i was so angry, but maybe because a hot guy who I obviously dont know is standing on my porch saying we've met.

Is this some kind of joke from the kids who actually went to school cause this was just cruel...

He seemed taken aback by my growl and slowly put down his hand.

He lifted his arms in defence.

"Woah...I come in peace...?"

"What do you want and why are you hear"

"Well long time no see too, old buddy, I miss you too, Oh my life is fine, how about yours? Thats nice to know!"

i stared at him confused, was it normal for teens to start a conversation with themselves? If it was, I take back anything i said about wanting to be a normal teenager...

"You really dont remember me? Grace Martins Adoption Center? Ring any bells, dumb one??"

"Holy S***!! Y-Your that b-boy the one that k-kinda stalked me when I w-was five, right?" i stuttered trying to make sense of him.

He was just sooo weird...

He frowned clearly not liking the fact that i'd called him a stalker.

"My name again is Sythe, and yes i am 'that' boy, and I dont appreciate being called a stalker but now we can start over. Hi, im Sythe" he said again holding his hand out again.

"Hi, Im Zayla" I said a slight frown on my face.

As soon as our hands made contact, I cringed from a strange electric signal that bolted through my body.

He seemed to feel the same but instead of grimacing like me, a wide grin appeared on his face.

"YES!! I knew it, we have to start making arrangements. I cant believe it! I told them i knew it, but did they believe me? Noooooo, cause theyre a bunch of dip-shits!"

He glanced at my confused face and smiled cheesily at me.

"Zaylaria Valentine Espinoza"

i blinked still confused.

I didnt tell him my last name!!!........Did i??

"You are my one and only Soul Mate! Isnt this exciting?" 

He held my two hands in his and smiled brightly at me.

The way he was shining I would have smiled back if what he had said wasnt brooding in my head.


Soul Mate???

What the Hell????


There goes the 1st chapter! Did you like it??

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