Im....not ready....?

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As I stood there obviously confused he entered my house.

How rude! I thought to myself closing the door.

"I heard that"

He turned around with one hand on his hip.

 Had I said that out loud....?

Wait... Did he say that out loud...??

"ZAYLA!!! Who was at the door Sweetheart?" 

I blink furiously suddenly remembering that my mom was here.

Mr.Sythe Mate Dude....Whatever smiled mischieviously at me and started for the kitchen where my mom was waiting with her cup of coffee and usual Sunday Paper.

"Hello Ms.Espinoza, I am your daughters fiance! Nice to meet you!"

He glanced at me just in time to see my eyes widen in shock, as soon as i started opening my mouth to respond to that, something in my mind kept me quiet...

No, I wasnt crazy and No, It wasnt quote on quote my "I-M-A-G-I-N-A-T-I-O-N"

There was literally some force pushing the thought of talking out of my mind...

When they say your mind controls your body they weren't kidding.

Sythe smiled at me as if to say "I know" and turned back to face my gaping mom.

"We've had an arranged marriage since the day she was born and now im here to take her away."

My mom smiled at "the day she was born" part as if to say she new something he didnt.

"If you two were so called arranged to get married since the day she was born than why do i know nothing about this even though i am her biological mother!"

My jaw dropped and I swear to god if this were a Japanese Anime you would have seen smiling tofu dancing around my face!


We ALL knew that was a lie!

"Ms, im pretty sure we all know your lying, your daughter was adopted by you in 1999, I should know since I was there for most of her years in the orphanage."

Ahhhh, that was the word I was looking for! I Knew Adoption Center sounded kind of weird. Might of fact... isn't that the place where you adopt pets?

"Silly Zayla, in a way you are a dog but yes Adoption Center is the right term for getting a pet."

I blinked surprised.

He was still facing my mom but I was sure that what he had said didnt come from his mouth...

"Of COURSE, it didnt come from my mouth!! We're Mates! It's only natural we be able to speak without saying it out loud!"

From then on I decided not to think to much about what I was saying....

And also never to play this guy in a round of poker...

Or any card game for that matter...

"Well, I guess we should be on our way" he said out loud this time for my mother to hear.

Though this whole time she wouldnt other a word I knew that she knew she had lost the battle...

Sythe grabbed my hand...the spark erupting in us.

Blood rushed up to my face as he smiled at me and ran up the stairs.

Why am I acting like this? I had only just met him....

Well only just met him after seven long years......

But either way why should I trust this guy for all I knew he could be a old man wearing a young teen costume who's could molest me at any moment!!!

Okay that was overexaggerating, a trait I got from my fake mother.

How? I have no idea.

It took me a while to understand we were upstairs...


In my room....


"Well, dont be a slow poke! Start packing!!"

he moved closer to me eliminating almost all the space that would have been between us.

"Or if you want, we can do something more....interesting?"

I felt the heat rush up to my face but quickly shrugged off the feeling and pushed him away.

"Why should I do what you say? I dont even know you that well! Might of fact I dont even trust you!!"

He grabbed my hand and turned it over to reveal a red crescent moon, a so called birthmark though i felt as if it was growing bigger everyday...

"You see this" he growled.

"Duh!" I refused to show any weakness in my voice...

though he was PRETTY scary...

"This is a sign to show how long till you evolve, When the moon is full that will be the beggining..."

"T-the b-beggining of w-what?" i stuttered not sure if I wanted to know the answer "The beggining of immortality, the beggining of life,the beggining of creation."

I stepped back but his hold on my hand tightened.

"An Evolution..." he whispered

He finally let go and turned around starting to empty out my closet.

"Your turning....your turning into a wolf."

I kept silent in shock and he glanced back at me meeting my eyes.

"Into a Werewolf...."

The Stupid one...Also known as my mate...Where stories live. Discover now