Chapter 2 // Football? Football.

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Seventh grade / Age 13...

"Guys, guys, guys!" Leo says excitedly, running up to Sawyer and Vincent, who are quietly discussing at their lockers. Hayden follows closely behind Leo, matching his enthusiasm despite not knowing what he is excited about.

Over the past year, the small group has grown closer than ever. Instead of asking Leo Gaines where his other half is, people now wonder where his other three comrades are.

Leo and Sawyer do their weird and unnecessarily extra handshake in greeting. As for Vincent and Hayden, Hayden still doesn't know where he stands with the confusing teen. However, that doesn't stop him from playfully snatching the book out from under his arm. Vincent just crosses his arms with defeated acceptance as Hayden begins to read the back cover of his novel curiously. Vincent's little smile is unseen by the rest of the group at the action, though.

"What's got you so smiley?" Sawyer chimes, nudging his best friend in the chest.

"Maybe you should rub off on Vinny," Hayden mutters under his breath, receiving a flick in the forehead in response.

"So... I may or may not have done a little something," Leo says nervously.

Vincent narrows his eyes. "What does that mean?"

"I signed us all up for football tryouts!" he beams even though his friends don't share a single ounce of his interest. "After school tomorrow, we are—"

"No," Vincent immediately says. He'd rather not subject himself to the jocks of his grade and his parents would never let him in the first place.

"Oh, come on," Leo groans, shaking his disapproving friend's arm as if it will change his mind. "I promise it'll be fun. We can—"


Leo sighs, "Can someone else talk some sense into him?"

"It's no use," Sawyer shrugs. "He is as stubborn as a fast food restaurant and their transition to lunchtime. But don't sweat it, Leo. I'll happily tag along...just don't expect much," he laughs.

"I'm not stubborn," Vincent argues. "I'm just smart. Don't come crying to me when you have a concussion."

"Such a party pooper," Leo teases.

Vincent just shrugs carelessly, standing behind his opinion.

"Hayden, what about you?" Sawyer says. "You've been awfully quiet."

When three pairs of eyes latch onto the usually energetic boy, something is different. For the first time since they all befriended Hayden, he looks anxious; a look that doesn't suit him well at all.

"Hayden?" Leo says softly.

"I-I would love to try out, don't get me wrong," Hayden begins, "But I don't want to be a laughing stock. I already hear what people say about me behind my back."

Sawyer and Leo feel saddened by what their friend has to go through. Vincent, however, has never been great at showing empathy.

"So?" Vincent shrugs.

Hayden looks at him with a dash of irritation. He knows that Vincent isn't exactly the most compassionate person, but he didn't think that he'd be so heartless.

"Fuck them," Vincent adds.

Hayden wishes so badly that he thought like that, but he isn't Vincent. Vincent isn't like him either. He has no idea what he goes through on a daily basis just because his shirt size has some Xs in it.

The group is surprised when Hayden storms away.

He may be blowing the entire situation out of proportion, but what he feels is genuine.

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