Chapter 3 // Popularity and Pressure

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Eighth grade / Age 14...

Vincent stares at Hayden with disdain as he waltzes down the hallway.

The two haven't spoken in weeks.

If Hayden wants to run off and forget about Vincent, then so be it. Vincent just wishes that he didn't waste his time befriending the boy if he was only going to kick him aside like garbage the second he gets the tiniest bit of attention.

Vincent stops at his locker to grab his textbooks for his next class. When he hears commotion from down the hall getting closer and closer to him, he can't help but roll his eyes. He slams the locker door shut and turns around, not expecting much from the newly popular teen that is now crowded by numerous people chasing superficial status.

A new addition to eighth grade is the booming popularity of Hayden Williams.

Since making the football team, Hayden made it his priority to let the sport drive him in all aspects of life. Over the summer, he practiced harder than ever. He ran every day, worked on his throwing and catching, and became better than almost the entire team for this season.

With that determination came a great reward. Hayden shaved off a majority of his extra weight, his jawline got sharper, and soon everyone was attracted to his undeniable magnetism. And unfortunately, Hayden was drawn to the same shallow people who used to cut him down.

It just doesn't make sense to Vincent. Hayden lived through it himself. How could he be so naive and ignorant to go back to the people who now want to show him kindness after he has fallen into their slim definition of standards?

Nothing pisses Vincent off more than watching Hayden laugh and smile with his little posse as if they care the tiniest bit about him. Vincents assumes that Hayden says something witty when the girls let out bubbly, hyena-sounding laughs. The girl on his arm, Reyna, happens to smile the brightest as she kisses Hayden's cheek.

Vincent has to physically hold back a gag.

Some of the assholes on the football team also surround the star of the show. Hayden fistbumps and pats the backs of the guys like they weren't the same people who shoved him in the dirt last year.

When the group of people finally walks within range of Vincent, he isn't surprised when Hayden doesn't even steal a glance at him. Vincent storms in the opposite direction, and he is so clouded by rage that he doesn't happen to see Leo and Sawyer stealing worried glances at him.

They've noticed the raven-haired teen retreating right back into the guarded fort he originally put up when the two first befriended him. Leo and Sawyer are trying to be sympathetic to his situation, but it doesn't change the fact that they still have each other. Hayden is Vincent's person, even if he isn't very good at showing it. Vincent is only reminded of his missing presence whenever the three hang out.

Vincent isn't stupid, though. He knows that people are bound to change once they grow older. He just didn't think Hayden would change so drastically.

Watching Hayden try to put on a fraudulent smile and mold an entirely new personality feels like a punch to the gut. Hayden's always been funny, but now he tries so hard that everything out of his mouth is unauthentic.

Of course, the one person that Vincent feels safe enough to open up to is suddenly stabbing him in the back.

Meanwhile, Hayden has no recollection of the turmoil that lies between him and Vincent. Vincent hasn't even been on his mind since the season started and he showed everyone his new burst of talent.

Hayden doesn't even realize that he is caught up in the glitz and glamor of fame. He is just basking in the spotlight because this little batch of attention never seemed attainable to someone like him...or someone he used to be.

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