ii. ...had sex with paxton hall yoshida

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This kinda sucks but...




"And the whole time, Paxton kept complimenting me and telling me how much he respected me and stuff. What do you think that means?"

"Devi, the reason I was enlisted by your doctors and your mother is to delve into some of the major events that have happened in your life over the past year. Now, we've been seeing each other for months, and you still don't want to talk about your father." Devi's therapist deadpanned towards the young teen.

"What's there to talk about? He's dead. It made me sad. Now I want to talk about a major event that could happen this week. Popping my cherry, Doc!"
"Oh, lord." Doctor Ryan sighed, avoiding the terribly uncomfortable eye contact.

"The statistical odds that I would lose my virginity to somebody that hot are incredibly low. I ran the numbers with Fabiola. I have a better chance of being hit by a meteor."

"I know. I got your excel spreadsheet."

"We could talk about my dad anytime. I'm in a very specific window right now. I'm ready to bone."

"If you were 'ready to bone,' you wouldn't use the phrase 'ready to bone.'" Doctor Ryan retorted, a knowing look on her face. "And what's so special about this boy anyway?"

Devi let out a dry chuckle. "Uh...this." She held out her arm, her phone grasped in her hand. "You can scroll."

"I'm not gonna scroll." Doctor Ryan denied, taking the phone out of Devi's hand.

"Trust me. Scroll."

Begrudgingly, her therapist obliged, taken aback by the nature of the photos. "Damn. Is this kid on HGH?"

"I know, right?"

"Point made." Doctor Ryan finally agreed, placing Devi's phone on the table separating them. "But he is still a person with feelings and problems."

"Hot people don't have problems."

"Wait..." Doctor Ryan backtracked, looking back through her very long list of notes on Devi. "What happened to Elizabeth?"

The teen picked up her phone off of the table. "What about her?"

"Weren't you super into her."

"I mean, yeah." This may come as a surprise to you, but everybody knew how Devi felt about Liz. Even Fabiola and Eleanor could tell. The only person who couldn't tell-Liz. "But she's not into me like that." Oh, Devi, if only you knew. "I have to move on eventually, right?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure that this is a healthy way to do it."

"Trust me, Doc, I know what I'm talking about."

I'm not sure she does.


Ben hadn't knocked on Liz's door that morning to let his sister know that she was, once again, late. In retrospect, he saw Liz sneaking Gianna into their mansion last night and was afraid of what he'd see if he opened the door.

"Fuck." Liz muttered, shooting out of bed once she saw the time on her alarm clock.

"Good morning." Gianna rolled over, showing a dopey, sleepy smile on her face.

"We're late." Liz muttered, throwing clothes all over the place in search of her own. God, Liz, what did you do? I mean, I know what you did, but why did you do it?

"So what?" I'm late all the time." Gianna got up at a leisurely pace, grabbing her shirt off the floor.

"Eleanor and Fabiola needed me. I gotta go." Liz hurriedly explained, one foot out the door by the time Gianna responded.

"What about me?"

"Just...see yourself out when you're dressed."


"I'm sorry I'm late. I had to deal with...stuff this morning." Liz apologized, sitting down next to Devi, across from Fabiola and Eleanor during lunch.

"What type of stuff?" Devi muttered, bitterly suspecting that she already knew the answer.

"Hey." Gianna approached the group, sitting uncomfortably close to Liz, for her liking.

"Are you wearing my sweatshirt?" Liz questioned, shifting away so there was a little bit more space between them as Fabiola and Eleanor shared a look. Meanwhile, Devi, just out of Liz's line of sight, glared at the obsessor, jealous of everything she had.

"Yeah, sorry. I couldn't find mine this morning. Hope you don't mind." She muttered, placing a kiss on Liz's cheek. Bleh.

"It's whatever." Liz shrugged, taking out her lunch. "Hey, um, I gotta talk to them about something really quick, but I'll catch up with you, all right?" She placed a kiss on Gianna's cheek to put the girl's worries at rest before ushering her away from the table. As soon as her new stalker was out of eye sight, Liz slumped down, practically banging her head against the edge of the table. "Kill me."

"She slept over?" Fabiola questioned inquisitively, a semi sour expression on her face.

"Well, we slept together, it was the polite thing to do."

"Ugh." Devi muttered bitterly, just loud enough for Liz to hear.

"If she keeps following me around like a lost puppy dog, though, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to handle it."


"Sorry we don't have bagel bites tonight." Devi deadpanned, as she and her friends sat in a circle on her bedroom floor. "My mom's super pissed at me and now she won't make us any snacks, despite the fact that bagel bites, like, help us study." Devi raised her voice significantly as she said the last part, so that maybe her mother would hear and cave in.

"You should've thought about your bagel bites before you called me a bitch." Nalini screamed back.

"Look, we want to talk about a different type of snack." Eleanor admitted, a sly grin on her face. Yes, one Liz knew nothing about.

"Oh my god." Liz's phone was ringing again. It was the tenth text Gianna had sent her since she'd gotten to Devi's house a half hour ago. "Somebody do something about this." Liz tossed her phone up, eagerly being caught by Devi who unlocked it and sent Gianna a text that would most definitely get the girl to leave her alone.

SENT TO: gianna

she's busy

A text that Liz was going to regret in about 20 seconds


"Paxton HY."

Liz furrowed her eyebrows. "Why are we talking about Paxton Hall Yoshida?"

"Cause he likes Devi." Yep, Liz definitely regretted sending that text now.

"We saw you drive off with him today." Fabiola added, a suggestive smirk on her face.

"Did you guys hook up? Is his penis as big as it looks in those gray sweatpants?" Eleanor began to badger. "It's like he's smuggling a pepper grinder in there."

"Yeah, like one of those tubes of Pillsbury cookie dough." Fabiola nodded in agreement.

"Nope, okay." Liz stood up suddenly. "This is too much penis talk." For you and me both, girl. "I'm headed home." The girls whined, but did nothing to stop the raven haired girl as she made her way downstairs. "Good night, Miss Vishwakumar." Liz smiled at Devi's mother, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Elizabeth." She cringed at the name. "Is everything all right? Your face looks a bit red."

"I'm fine." Liz assured her. "Have a good night."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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