Stolen from me

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October 31 2012

"Mommy look at my costume" 3 year old Amariana said while running into the living to her mother.

"Awww you look so pretty baby" Beyoncé said as she was putting out the candy for the party "let mommy take a picture of you come here"  she pulled out her phone and took a picture of her baby girl in her Minnie Mouse costume.

Ok let's go see if daddy is ready" "Otay" the 3 year old replied as her mother picked her up and walk up the stairs she turned down the hall entering her and her husband room "daddyyyy" the 3 year old yelled reaching for her father

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Ok let's go see if daddy is ready"
"Otay" the 3 year old replied as her mother picked her up and walk up the stairs she turned down the hall entering her and her husband room "daddyyyy" the 3 year old yelled reaching for her father

"hi princess" he said kissing his daughters cheeks "baby you look good" he said eyeing his wife " thank you take a picture please". She handed him his phone and did some loses as he snapped the camera she looked at her Daughter and she was copying her mama posing causing her mother to laugh as she was laughing Shawn snapped a picture of his beautiful wife.

She grabbed her daughter and phone from her husband they heard the door bell ring and looked

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She grabbed her daughter and phone from her husband they heard the door bell ring and looked . "Must be our guest come on"

They go downstairs Amariana and her mothers arms with her daddy following behind them Beyoncé opens the door and sees her sisters and their husbands and her mother and father. Hey y'all she said as moving over to let them in as the walked pass the each gave a kiss and a hug to Beyoncé until it was Kelly's turn instead she grabbed Amariana and hugged and kissed her.

"well hello to you to" Beyoncé said playfully rolling her eyes "hey Beybey" Kelly said hugging her sister they all went to the living room and was talking and catching up until the house fillled and more and more people came in. They were all dancing around having a good time Amariana was playing with the other kids and eating candy.

"Hey that mine" she said to one of the kids that took her candy "so what" "I'm telling my mommy"she ran downstairs tryna get her small frame through the big crowd looking for her mother she ran into the kitchen and saw a face she's never seen before.

"Hi little girl" she woman said going down to Amarianas level "hi have you seen my mommy". "The lady with the spider man costume"? She asked "
Yes" Amariana said stepping back a bit only for the woman to come closer. "She told me to take you with me tonight to stay the night with my kids" Amariana looked around them back at the woman who was smiling

"I don't know about that I have to ask" she said as she tried to leave until she felt a grin on her arm "it's ok she gave me her number to cal you whenever". Amariana looked back at her and got scared "I- I don't want to". "Oh come on baby you don't wanna play with the other kids?"

Amariana looked around and shook her head "I want to stay with my mommy" she said her eyes were beginning to water and she felt and looked nervous what more can a 3 year old do. "Well to bad you going with me let's go" the woman picked her up and carried her out the house "AHHHHHHH MOMMYY" she saw her mother coming her way and was screaming her name "AMARIANNNNNAAAAAA" the woman put her in the car and drove off.

"Listen I'm your mother the woman said looking the the review mirror at the child as she was in tears

"no your not". She yelled "Yes I am she took you form me when I had you" the 3 year old scrunched her face feeling nervous hoping it wasn't true "but she said she was my mommy"

the lady took a deep breath tryna to figure out how to make her lie feel like a real story "no she lied to you baby I had you and she came in the hospital room and she lied and said she was a doctor and she needed you to clean you up and she took you and I waited and waited but she never came back then you were gone she took you from me"

the child was quiet tryna figure out what to say or think she wiped her face and created a small smile on her face. "Mommy"? The lady look in the mirror and smiled and nodded.

"Yes my baby"?

Buckle up for the story of a rolller coaster of Beyoncé and her daughter 

Hope y'all enjoy cuz I been working on this shit for 2 months so you better like the shit bye my babies stay tuned for the next part. 😘

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