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August 14th

"It's about your father" Tina said looking at all of her daughters.

"W-what about him?" Beyoncé struggled out. Tina didn't know how Tod at he was about to leave them but she knew she had to.

"H-he- his time is coming up soon, real soon." She said lowly but loud enough for each girl to hear. She heard a sob and she looked seeing Beyoncé was already in tears. Beyoncé was always the sensitive one but she just never cared at times. Tina looked over and saw Kelly and Michelle silently crying. Tina got up and went over to sit with them she pulled Beyoncé up and took her spit sitting Beyoncé in her lap. No matter how old they got they were all Tina's babies and she didn't care about a damn thing if it wasn't for their sake.

"How long?" Kelly asked wiping her tears.

"Well" Tina cleared her throat. "2" was all she was able to get out.

"2 weeks?" Michelle asked. Tina shook her head biting her lip.

"2 days" she got out in a voice crack of tears.

"Oh-my-g-gosh" Beyoncé sobbed. Tina placed Beyoncé head in her neck shushing her as she rocked her. Something she did for years for her children when they needed comfort. Tina noticed Solange hasn't said anything. She looked over and saw her younger daughter gazing away.

"Solange?" Tina called for her child. She slowly turned her head and looked at her mother. "It's okay to cry" the left woman cupped her cheek.

"I-I want to be there" Solange finally spoke. "When it happens I want to be there and I want to take Julez" Beyoncé sat up and wiped her eyes.

"Me too I want Amariana to have some kind of experience with him since she's never met him"  Tina had no problem with them being there but could they handle it.

"We can all go but I want you all to know it's not going to be a good source he's Hooked up to a lot of machines they might look scary but it they're to help him even thought he's you know" they all nodded.

"How you feeling mama?" Kelly asked. Tina let her emotions out after she got the message so she was in a sad relief but she knew it would all re hit her when it happened.

"I'm holding up could be better" she shrugged slightly. "But god is with me" they nodded.

"Now I have to tell the girls" Beyoncé Rubbed temple.

"Tell them tomorrow. Right now focus on you and make sure you alright before you tell them if you cry they will too" Tina told her Beyonce nodded and laid her head back on Tina chest.

Even though her parents had ups and downs they still had love for each other and her mother didn't deserve to lose him this way.

August 15th


"What happened mommy?" Blue sat down next to Amariana. I decided to tell them about daddy since tomorrow was coming up to quickly.

"Well I-your" I couldn't get my words out. Shawn rubbed my back and leaned over to me.

"Take your time" he said I closed my eyes collecting myself and I nodded.

"It's about your grandfather" I spoke they looked at each other and nodded.

"Ok....." Amariana dragged out waiting for me to continue.

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