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April 1st 2023

I was walking down the hall in school and saw my best friends Chris and Mirah. "Hey mrs girl" Chris said as he gave me a side hug "hey y'all" I said hugging mirah.

"hey the principle was looking for you" Chris said looking confused "

"Me what why" I asked looking between mirah and Chris for and answer

"I don't know he just wants to see you he act is if we knew were you were" Mirah says now I'm scared I mean my grades are good perfect attendance I never got a phone call home so what could he want. 

"Mrs. Moore can I see you in my office please" I hear as I turn around and see the principal and a police officer my head starts spinning in confusion my mouth waters as if I'm gonna throw up I swallow hard and nod before walking off. He stands there waiting as I approach his office.

" Take a seat" I sit down and he sits from across me at his desk while the officer is standing. I look around confused and I begin to speak.

"umm did I do something wrong?" I ask as a wave of nervousness comes over me. He looks at the officer then back at me.

"no but I do have a few questions I want to ask you " i scrunch my face up and look at them like there crazy. What question needs to be asked to were they couldn't wait

"Um oh-ok"I replied waiting for the questions to be thrown at me. They way the tension was between him and this officer was making me nervous and I felt like I had to puke. His body movement and the way he was speaking like he had a lump in his throat made me know something wasn't right.

"When your birthday" he asked I zoomed my head back and scrunched my face

"Umm May 11th" I replied in a duh tone shouldn't he know this he the principal he had out information

He looked at the officer and the officer looked down shaking his head now I'm getting to worried

"Is something wrong?"I asked my breathing sped up and my heart was racing my throat began to hurt something that often happens when I'm nervous.

"How much do you know about your mother" he asked

"My-my mother what do you mean" I asked

"What does your birth certificate say and can you use it" he asked

"My birthday and my information is on it like any other birth certificate what's happening?"I asked

"Can you use it" the officer asked jumping in our conversation

"My mom says I can't because of age issues" the looked at each other and back at me in silents. I don't know what's the point but I need to be in class I have things to do and I don't need them stressing me with this out of the blue situation

"Can I go to class please" I asked

"Yeah go head" i noded my head and grabbed my bag and left.

What is going on and why did they seem so tense about it. I walked to my second hour class which was math and I hate it I don't get it for shit I walked in and sat down next to mirah

"What are we doing" I whispered

"We're doing the Algebra graphs again" she whispered back showing me her lapsed of what we were doing I rolled my eyes and noded my head and began too do the work I know a little bit of it but not all the way but hey something is better than nothing.

"Hey is everything ok what did the principal and that cop guy want" she asked whispering

"I don't know he was just asking me questions about my birthday and my mom" I whispered back scrunching my face it's all still weird and confusing to me.

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