Galaxy's Downfall.

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'Galaxy please tell me what we di-' Crimson began to ask. Before-


Galaxy's eyes teared up as she stepped back whilst covering her mouth in shame. 'I-I-..' She stuttered as she stared down at her own hands... Crimson taken aback stumbled backwards holding his freshly rose coloured face. A small handprint marked his cheek like paint to a canvas. Galaxy sniffled as she watched Ryan comfort Crimson. Though it looked like he shoved Ryan away playfully and played off his injury - She was guilt ridden. Her vision became as blurry as an unwiped camera lens. Alex, concerned, turned away from that situation towards Galaxy, they moved their glasses up to rest on their fluffy hair. 

'Galaxy?-' Alex called out, the room fell silent as the taller guys stopped chatting to listen in. The empty halls some how felt even lonelier than they ever had - she heard the hum-buzz from the overhead lights, the creak of the wooden tiles beneath her feet and the heavy breaths she took steadily became louder. In that moment it felt as if the time grew slow, like it had began walking through mud - dragging itself along the sinking ground. Drowning.

They're fake anyways. It doesn't matter. You don't matter. Worthless. Worthless. WORTHLESS. 

Galaxy began to hyperventilate as she pulled on her own hair-


Clumps of soft purple and pink hair fluttered down into the bowl of the blood covered sink, the once beautiful long silky hair now nothing more than a short mangled, mess... The door, locked, the tiles smeared in blood accompanied the quiet ambience of the room. It filled the atmosphere with dread. The noise the air conditioner created, alongside the sound of silence formed a soulless aura which complimented the occupant. As she grasped the edge of the counter-top tightly, she took a sharp inhale through her teeth and giggled as she ran her scarlet covered hands through her damaged, dismantled hair. Dark rings circled her eyes just as a predator does to its prey. Pathetic, Pasty, Pale, skin. Newly opened cuts - bleed. Again.

Horrible. Great. Just as I deserve.

'Galaxy... Everything OKAY in there..?'


Their just FAKE. YOUR JUST FAKE. This is why HE cheated on you, this is why he LIED to you. You can't do anything right. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. NOTHING!

'Galaxy it's alright, you didn't hurt m-'

'UGH!! I-... I DON'T CARE A-ANYWAYS!' Galaxy lied as she ran off tears streamed down her face. As she ragged the petite purple star from her destroyed head of hair. She threw it behind her, she clenched her fist in defeat as her legs took her as far away from that inconvenient situation as possible. The shouting and cries became more and more muffled as she sprinted down the un-ending corridor her breathing faster then ever before, her heart pounded on her chest like a gorilla in its cage, the voice only got louder. Her steps echoed down the wooded pathway, as if she had been running through a hollow empty cave. Eventually she had stumbled into the nearest bathroom. Empty yet again. The tiles underfoot reiterated her footsteps back to her. Once the door had been locked she collapsed weekly onto the cold hard ground, breathless.

Do it. Do it. Do it.

Without a second thought Galaxy reached into her bag that she had launched beside her and swiftly pulled out her trusty tool. One. Two. Three. Four. Went the the shiny slab of metal, which created new beautiful patterns along the surface of her pale skin. Splashes of ruby and vermillion created an abstract painting gorgeously down her forearm. It URGED her to continue, the go deeper, to get more creative. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Went the 'paintbrush' across her second arm which fabricated even more carmine coloured markings. Yet one. One. Felt different? 

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