6. What Just Happened?

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Luke looked like he was about to say something more, but thought better of it. Thankfully, because Brooklyn didn't feel like explaining herself after such a lot. She had to process seeing him, first. But still, she felt bad for lying to Luke. 

"I'm not sure if he really is who I think he is. I am not ready to tell you right now. Partly because I am very tired, partly because I am still registering what happened, and partly because it's a really long story," Brooklyn said finally.

Luke nodded in understanding. Brooklyn was clearly overwhelmed by the situation and was struggling to process what had happened. It made sense that she would need some time to process her emotions and gather her thoughts before deciding to share more details about the situation.

"Alright, you go back to sleep. I can take the first watch on…whoever this guy is. Both of you, get some rest," he decided.

Brooklyn nodded gratefully and turned around to go back upstairs. Just then, a thought struck Luke. "Wait! How did he even get inside? I locked up the house before going to sleep myself."

Brooklyn paused, with her hand on the railing. 

"I checked the whole house. This guy was able to hack inside the Agency's locks. He must be very skilled…and dangerous. He definitely knows his stuff about the Agency. These locks are pretty high-tech. Especially the ones on the front door."

Luke hesitated. "Do you think…he is a spy at our agency?"

Brooklyn's face was expressionless. "We will talk in the morning, Luke."

"If you say so. Oh, and we will also have to call Dean." He added the last part grimly. This was something concerning, but Luke wasn't sure what it meant. Was it just some petty thief or an actual problem?


Brooklyn stumbled down the stairs, yawning. Amanda was making breakfast in the kitchen. Usually it was Brooklyn who woke up the earliest and Amanda who slept in the latest, but this was not a regular morning. Not with a stranger they held captive in their house.

She smiled and greeted her friend. "Will you tell me who he is now?" she asked.

"Wait till Luke gets here. I'd rather tell both of you at the same time," Brooklyn explained.

Then she caught sight of her limping. "How is your ankle?"

"It's good now. Much better. Thankfully no harm done, I guess it was just a small twist."

Brooklyn bit her lip. "I think you should give it some rest."

Amanda laughed. "I would be as useless as a white pencil now, wouldn't I?"
Luke already seemed up and about. He sent her a smile and sat down, holding his plate out to Amanda.

"I take it he's still knocked out?" asked Brooklyn. 

Luke shrugged. "Eh. He woke up in the middle and started muttering nonsense. I didn't understand a thing so I just conked him in the head and he's been conked ever since." 

Good to know that the baseball bat from her 10th birthday came to some use.

"Luke! Are you trying to give him a concussion?" Amanda exclaimed.

"Relax," he rolled his eyes. "I didn't hit him that hard. I hope."

"Where is he?" Brooklyn asked.

"He's probably just off sulking somewhere, counting his teeth."

"Wait, what?"

"I was joking! Of course he's still in the living room and tied to a chair!" Brooklyn rolled her eyes.

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