5. Unexpected Visitors at 3AM

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Thwack! Another arrow neatly lodged itself in the bull's eye. Brooklyn grinned triumphantly.

"Beat that!" she challenged.

Luke grinned, "Oh, it's on!" He went back another ten meters and pulled back the string.
Fortunately, he missed. The arrow struck an apple in the tree nowhere near the archery board.

"Remember to set your foot firmly on the ground when aiming your arrow, Hastings!" barked the coach. Luke winced and covered his ears.

"We can practice gun shooting -if you're up for the challenge", suggested Brooklyn, her violet eyes twinkling.

"Oh no," growled Coach. "I ain't letting him anywhere near my precious pistols with that horrible aim. You, on the other hand, my dear," he looked towards Brooklyn. "Can use the new and advanced rifles, while I give this young man a few tips."

Once Coach left, Luke muttered, "What am I? Five? Or a very experienced agent?"

"More like a very experienced target for Coach!" came Amanda's voice making Luke jump.

"Where are you?" He looked around frantically, but he was unable to spot her.

Amanda jumped down from a tree behind him, brushing imaginary dust from her jeans. Luke furrowed his eyebrows, looking so confused that Brooklyn wanted to laugh. "You were there the whole time? How come I didn't see you?"

"You see, there are these things called eyes, that are between your nose and below your forehead. You should use them, they work wonders."

Brooklyn burst out laughing whereas Luke switched glares between the two. A whistle sounded somewhere, signaling the end of their Archery practice.

"And don't forget your ears, they're even more magical!" Laughing and joking, they went back home.


Brooklyn couldn't sleep. Even after a warm shower and a full meal, she lay in her bed tossing and turning. The moonlight peeped from her window and fell on the quiet figure of Amanda, who was snoring away peacefully on the bed opposite hers. Luke was sleeping in his room downstairs. Brooklyn thought about the clay tablet and how they could use it. Where would it fit?

Brooklyn thought about throwing the clay tablet at Amanda, just to see if it would wake her up and get the answers they were looking for!


Brooklyn froze. What was that?


Ghosts? Brooklyn shook her head. As far as she knew this house wasn't haunted. Maybe it was the wind? But winds don't creak. If the noise comes again, I am getting up to investigate, she decided.


Okay, that's it. Brooklyn pushed off the covers and sat up, glancing at the digital clock on her bedside.

3:03 AM.

Her feet found her bedroom slippers and Brooklyn quietly padded her way to Amanda's bed and shook her awake. Amanda mumbled in her sleep and turned away.

Brooklyn shook her harder, urgently. There was no way she was going down there alone and checking out who was making the floorboards creak.

Sighing, she pinched Amanda's feet. Amanda jerked up in an instant. "Huh - WHAT! WHO DIED!?!?"

"Shhhh," hissed Brooklyn. "I think there is someone downstairs."

Amanda's eyes widened. The two girls grabbed their torches, keeping them switched off just in case the intruder saw them. Brooklyn stealthily opened their bedroom door and stepped outside.

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