~The lost pencil (two)~

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3rd person POV;

Heidi rushed into her Afrikaans class. She quickly got behind her seat to greet the teacher, not because she was late but to avoid the embarrassment from her register teacher. She greeted her teacher and let out a sigh of relief. Heidi sat down and spread her legs as she sat. She was about to open her book but then..."my pencil!"...she thought to herself. She looked at her pencil case and grabbed it. She grabbed the zip and pulled it open. She was looking for a few seconds. Heidi couldn't find it in her pencil case, she checked her pockets and she didn't have anything in there. She frowned and put her hand up.

"Yes, Heidi" Ms. Cindy said with a slight smile.

"May I get my pencil in my locker?" Heidi asked slowly putting her hand down.

"Quickly!" Ms. Cindy said pointing to the door. She still had a smile. A few seconds later a tall-ish boy walked in...he looked a bit familiar to Heidi and Cooper. Cooper had a playful but scared look on his face.

"Hello, Cooper" The boy said with a unfazed tone. He had a pencil in his left hand.

"This is for you" the boy said as he walked over to Heidi's desk. He offered the pencil to her. Heidi looked up at him. She looked completely frozen. Ms. Cindy had a smirk on her face. Everyone was giggling and laughing. The boy seemed a bit uncomfortable by the giggles and laughter. Heidi snapped out of her trance and grabbed the pencil.

"T-Thanks" She says grabbing the pencil out his hand. She seemed scared but...excited to say the least. He looked confused and started to pull away and walked towards the door. He waved and left the classroom.

"Who was that?" Ms. Cindy asked

"That was a grade 7! The one that used to chase us"
Cooper said hanging onto his desk for dear life.

"I don't teach the grade 7's, so I wouldn't know"
Ms. Cindy said with a smirk while looking at Heidi.
Heidi hid in her hood as she sank into her chair. Cooper laughed as he saw Heidi just sunk into her chair.

"Shush!" Heidi said with an embarrassed smile. She laid on her arms. Heidi looked up again and saw her register teacher standing in the doorway. She was smirking and looking at her. She has the biggest smirk ever.

"That should keep you on your toes!" Her Teacher said with a big grin.

"You're evil" she say's running her fingers through her hair. She looks at her friends behind her, who were laughing. She rolled her eyes with an annoyed smile.

"Can you guys not!?" She said in a annoyed tone of voice. She threw her pen at Cooper. She hit him in the head. He was stunned for a good five seconds, he then threw the pencil back at her. Heidi looked at her notebook. She reached for it and took out a blue pen. She started writing in it. The book was for negative comments and just rude things in general. Every page had a name of everyone in her class. She started writing in it.

After 20 minutes:

"Alright class is over" Ms. Cindy said getting up from her chair. She stood up and greeted the students in her class.

"Adiós!"Heidi yelled, running out the classroom. She knew a bit of Spanish but- she was still learning. She ran out the class to put her stuff in her locker. The Math teacher wasn't there so they had a free period. They would just chill in their register teachers classroom. She put her books and pencil case in her locker and walked into her classroom. She looked in the classroom and noticed that the boy that handed her pencil to her was looking at her. She hid her face in her hood. She was embarrassed by the boy staring at her.

They all seemed to leave the classroom. The boy stayed in the class to talk to the teacher. Heidi sat down in her normal seat and tried not to stare. She glanced over at him but he was already looking. She turned away immediately. She continued to talk with her friends.

After break

Heidi was in her Math class but then she saw someone in the door frame

it was

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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