I - Old Belle Reve[REWORK]

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"Old Belle Reve"
May 21st - 2016 - 09:46:35
Malachi Ravencroft
Belle Reve.


???: "Yo! Jackass! Wake up..."

You wake up to see a prison security guard in front of you.

Malachi: "Is it too late to go back to sleep?"

Guard: "Yeah..."

The Guard grabs you and drags you out the bus and throws you on the ground, earning a grunt from you.

Malachi: "Dick..."

Guard: "Get up... You're not hurt..."

You get up and get in line with 20 other prisoners. You see the Warden of the prison walk towards you and the others.

Warden: "Welcome to Belle Reve... Your home for the rest of your lives... more or less... I am Warden Gun..."

Prisoner: "Gun? The fuck kinda name is that?"

Warden: "The kind of name that controls your sorry asses... Follow me. I will show you all your... accommodations..."

The Guards push you, and you and the rest of the prisoners follow the Warden through the prison. He leads you all through multiple corridors leading through multiple places.

Warden: "Over there is solitary... and I think... one of our prisoners is in there..."

The Warden knocks on the door to solitary.

Warden: "Hey, Lawton! You in there...?"

The prisoner bangs on the cell door.


Warden: "That's not Lawton... That's Digger..."

Prisoner: "Digger...?"

Warden: "Digger Harkness... Moving on! When you get in solitary... we will starve your ass for a few days... A friend in a red hood suggested that..."

You and the other prisoners scoff.

Warden: "That concludes our tour... Hope you enjoy your stay... we certainly will..."

The Warden walks off as Digger bangs on the solitary door. The guards take you and the rest of the prisoners away.


Belle Reve Gym.

The guards push you and 4 other prisoners in as they take the rest away.

Guard: "Go mingle or some shit... I don't care..."

You look around the courtyard and decide to sit on the bleachers and watch 6 prisoners play basketball. You sit and watch as the team with a giant fucking crocodile gets absolutely DESTROYED! You instantly recognize the players as, Waylon Jones, Harleen Quinzel, Floyd Lawton, Ava Masters, Nathan Fillion, and Leonard Snart.
Suddenly Harley comes over and sits next to you.

???: "Tell ya one thing! We are kicking their asses...

In a split second, you read Harley like a book... former therapist, expert at gymnastics, PhD in Harvard, Jokers ex-girlfriend, No Opinion Towards Dedsec

Malachi: "I can see that..."

Harley: "Precision is what Snart says wins the game... but I think Croc is throwing the game..."

You don't respond.

Harley: "Harleen Quinzel, or Harley... Pleased to meet cha!"

Harley reaches out her hand and tou shake it... with no response.

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