II - Project Doomscreamer[REWORK]

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"Project Doomscreamer"
May 22nd - 2016 - 06:36:24
Malachi Ravencroft/ Winston The Pig
Belle Reve, Briefing Room.


The squad is gathered in a meeting
hall. Where Amanda Waller and Flag are sitting in front of a bulletin board.

Waller: "Alright, listen up... This Is Project Doomscreamer..."

Flag: "This is highly important... and remember... this mission NEVER happened after we complete it..."

Waller presses a button showing a huge Rocket Launcher.

Waller: "This is The Doomscreamer... a powerful weapon..."

Black Manta: "Nice... what does it do?"

Waller: "It gives you a shock to the neck..."

Black Manta: "Damnit..."

Flag presses a button shocking Black Manta.

Waller: "The target object will not be explained... All you need to know is that it's dangerous if it gets into the wrong hands..."

Poison Ivy: "Is that the go-to?"

Waller: "Pardon?"

June: "Ms. Waller... she does have a point... shouldn't there have been guards there?"

Wallee: "Yes... but they weren't terminated by the assailants who assaulted the facili—"

Poison Ivy: "That's what I'm saying! The assailants henchmen are usually weak, and the guards who GAURD the things are WEAKER!"

Waller electrocutes Ivy.

Waller: "Anyone else?"

Everyone stays quiet. 

Waller: "Good... as I was saying... You will take a helicopter to the remote island, the facility that houses The Doomscreamer..."

Winston: "—And... what island is this facility exactly on...?"

Waller: "Snake Island..."

Blackfire: "WHAT?!"

Harley: "You fucking serious?"

Winston: "That place with like 4,000 FUCKING SNAKES?!"

Black Manta: "4,000 venomous snakes! You can't take a single step on the ground on that island without seeing 1 of those snakes..."

Waller: "Enough!"

Winston: "Is there actual gold on th—"

Waller electrocutes Winston, making him scream in pain.

Blackfire: "HAH! Fucking idiot..."

Blackfires device beeps rapidly before turning off.

Waller: "As I was saying... once you get on Snake Island... watch your step cause if you don't... you WILL get bitten by one of the snakes... follow the path towards the bunker and get inside as soon as possible... Dispatch the intruders and secure Doomscreamer and put it back in its place..."

Flag: "If you fail you fucking die..."

Winston: "Wai—"

June: "I know what you're gonna say... and if that happens... you die..."

Rioter: "Shit..."

Waller: "Get all your equipment ready and get ready for the bird... I'll be in touch through the command room..."

Waller exits the room.

Flag: "Get your shit on... and get ready... June... stay all June... until we get on the island..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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