The Sorting Ceremony

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Author's Note: This one-shot takes place the night before the first chapter of Like Moths to a Flame. Inspired by the song "This Year" by The Mountain Goats.


"Nothing better than flying a broom," Imelda said, droning on about Quidditch for what seemed like ages. In only the past ten minutes, Sebastian had learned she was, unsurprisingly, Quidditch Captain for the Slytherin team this year, that she bought two new brooms over the summer - seemed a tad excessive - and that she was holding tryouts later this week for the new team. If Sebastian never heard another word about Quidditch for the rest of the month, he'd be more than satisfied.

Sebastian nodded absentmindedly, barely listening at this point. He had arrived at the Sorting Ceremony late and missed the opportunity to sit beside Ominis. He sighed to himself. Listening to Imelda talk about Quidditch for the entire meal was grating on his already frazzled nerves.

The reason he was late to the ceremony was because he lost track of time. He had been writing a heated letter to Solomon about Anne. To Sebastian's frustration, Solomon had officially given up on finding a cure for her. He was outright refusing to look further into it, even though Anne seemed to be getting worse by the day.

If Sebastian didn't find a cure before the end of the school year, this would be Anne's first full year away from Hogwarts. Last year, she had only been out for part of the year, and even that was rough for Sebastian - and for Ominis. He was not looking forward to being away from his twin for so long. In fact, the dreadful reality of it made his stomach churn.

Before Sebastian set off for the beginning of his fifth year, he had hoped Solomon would be willing to take Anne to see one more healer at St. Mungo's. He did some research over the summer and found one that specialized in... Sebastian's thought was interrupted by Professor Black striding across the room with what seemed to be a new student in tow.

Whoever the boy was, he was tall... he certainly wasn't a first-year. His long blond hair was neatly secured in a low bun at the nape of his neck. He glanced around the room, his eyes very briefly connecting with Sebastian's. Sebastian met his eyes - offering a challenge or, perhaps, an invitation? Not even Sebastian was sure. The new boy looked away first.

Sebastian realized Imelda had stopped talking. Out of the corner of his eye, he observed her inspecting the unfamiliar boy up and down rather intently. She said under her breath, "Tall and lean, athletic, fifth-year. Promising. Yes, I hope he's sorted into Slytherin. I've been looking for a new Chaser."

Sebastian's attention drifted back to the table as Professor Black started blathering on at the front of the room. "How do you know he's a fifth-year?" he asked Imelda amidst the scattered whispers that now permeated the room.

"Just a guess, really. But I'm usually right." Always cocky, Imelda. More so than Sebastian, if he was being totally honest.

"I wonder where he's transferring from," Sebastian said casually, but he was actually quite curious. Sebastian made a mental note to enlist Ominis to do some sleuthing for him.

"Don't know, don't care," she replied with a dismissive wave of her hand.

The Sorting Hat was now firmly placed on the new boy's head. It didn't take long at all for it to bellow out, "You belong in - Ravenclaw!" The room erupted into clapping.

Sebastian clapped along with everyone else, but his heart wasn't in it. In fact, he was pondering the pang of disappointment that hit when the new boy wasn't sorted into Slytherin. It was... unexpected, and frankly, odd.

"Well, that's that," Imelda declared, wiping her hands as if she were done with the new boy entirely.

Sebastian was raring to get out of here. He needed to head to the Owlery to send off his letter. He also wanted to see how Hermes was faring, perhaps give him a treat or two.

He began to reach for his knapsack on the floor, but was interrupted when Professor Black's booming voice echoed through the Great Hall. "Oh, and one more thing - " Black raised a pointer finger in the air to emphasize whatever nonsense he was about to say. "Due to the unfortunate injury on the pitch in last spring's final, this year's Quidditch season has been canceled."

Groans and complaints filled the air. Imelda gasped, and slammed her hands down on the table, nearly knocking over Sebastian's goblet in the process. He caught it before it clattered to the floor. "That bastard!" Imelda seethed, her eyes aflame with fury.

It was disappointing news, to say the least. Attending Quidditch matches was something Sebastian looked forward to immensely. The charged atmosphere, the air of danger, the strapping players...

Sebastian found himself watching the new boy standing a few paces behind Professor Black. He looked more confused than perturbed by what Black had just divulged. Did he not know what Quidditch was? From what remote school had he come from?

Black held his hands up in the air in a placating gesture, and continued, "Enough! It's not as though I've banned flying altogether - "

"Might as well have," Imelda whinged.

"But - don't tempt me."

Imelda's hands, which were still on the table, clenched into fists. "I'm going to make him pay," she hissed through gritted teeth.

Sebastian couldn't believe Black was still droning on. "You are here to focus on your academic futures. I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow." Black paused, an exasperated look crossing his face. "I said - I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow," he - finally - concluded, motioning with his hands as if to dismiss them.

It appeared it was now time to leave. Sebastian retrieved his knapsack from the floor. Before he exited the room, he cast one last discreet glance at the new boy, who was still lingering at the back of the room, wearing an introspective look on his face.

Ravenclaw, hmm? Sebastian thought to himself. I wonder what secrets he's hiding? Only one way to find out.

Heart's Pleasure First // Sebastian Sallow & Male MC One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now