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Author's Note: This one-shot takes place between chapters 1 & 2 in Like Moths to a Flame. Inspired by the song "Here Comes Your Man" by Pixies.


Damien Evans would not get a silly schoolboy crush on this boy. He would not.

At least, that's what he kept telling himself as he headed toward the exit of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, determined to escape the situation and the fluttering in his chest... only to immediately run into the very boy he was trying very hard not to think about, thank you very much.

"Nice work!" the Slytherin boy exclaimed, and Damien's eyes instinctively flickered up to meet a pair of warm, freckled cheeks and entrancing deep brown eyes. No, Damien scolded himself. He didn't have the time or the patience for this distraction. He needed to focus on his studies, and apparently, learn more about his new, unexpected abilities. Those were his priorities, not this.

"I enjoyed that," the words slipped out of Damien's lips before he could stop them, his feet seemingly glued to the spot. He wasn't sure how he'd managed to halt in his retreat from the room, but here he stood, engaged in conversation when he had meant to be long gone.

"That duel was quite something. Everyone will be talking about it," the boy continued, and Damien found himself nodding along, relieved that the conversation was, at least for the moment, remaining in safe territory.

"It was certainly good practice," he replied casually.

The Slytherin boy's eyes widened. "Practice? It felt more like I was dueling an expert. Sebastian Sallow, by the way." Sebastian, that was a unique name... Damien was going to have to remember that. "I didn't expect a new student to be so deft with a wand. Then again, perhaps this wasn't your first duel?" Was that a hint of flirtation in Sebastian's voice? Damien shook his head, dismissing the notion as wishful thinking.

"I've dueled enough," he replied. To test the waters, he added, "Consider yourself lucky I held back." Would Sebastian take the bait? Was there even bait to take?

"Huh, fair enough," Sebastian said, his tone conversational. "You owe me an honest duel when you aren't. You know, you might be the perfect fit for a certain exclusive, unsanctioned dueling organization." The proposition hung in the air; Damien felt his palms start to sweat. It was still hard to say where this conversation was going, but an open invitation to join a private club did seem promising.

"Exclusive and unsanctioned? Count me in." Damien smiled ever so slightly, trying very hard not to show Sebastian how pleased he was that he had made such a good impression on him.

"Excellent. Knew I was right about you," Sebastian said with a playful confidence that only added to his charm. "If you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts, you're going to need to break the rules now and then. Whether it's joining a secret dueling club or sneaking into the Restricted Section of the library, you just have to be clever enough not to get caught." Damien couldn't deny it; this boy was the very embodiment of Trouble, with a capital 'T.' And he couldn't help but be drawn to him.

"Thank you, Sebastian. I'll keep that in mind," Damien replied, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. What he really meant was, sign me up immediately. I'm ready right now. Are you?

"Good. Pleasure chatting with you. I'm sure I'll see you soon. Perhaps somewhere 'unsanctioned'? We'll see if your performance today was sheer luck or actual skill. Look for Lucan Brattleby near the Clock Tower Entrance, if you're interested. 'Til next time."

And with that, Sebastian turned on his heel and sauntered out the door. Damien was left standing there, his heart racing, wondering what on earth he had just gotten himself into. And yet...

Heart's Pleasure First // Sebastian Sallow & Male MC One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now