Love Is A Sweet Poison Pt.1

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The greatest warrior of scarlet pack also being the crown prince is really a matter of pride but what if the pride be becomes to arrogance and self-esteem. Who only cares about own benefits and want unlimited powers . He wants to marry a strong alpha girl who can be in his status and give him a strong heir while situation makes him to marry an omega who is considered to the most weakest but none know about her immense powers without herself .

Right now Sarah was waiting for her husband sitting on bed. It is already midnight but he didn't come yet. It was not a forced marriage she always admired the man who is now his husband. Why she will not as he is very popular among every pack because of his bravery stories . He is the dream prince of almost everygirl. So feels very lucky to have him. Sarah was actually a cousin of Nicolas but her dad was ruling a different pack so they only meet a few times. She was busy in her thoughts when the door opened by a drunk Nicolas , his neck was covered with hickey also his hair was messy. Looking at him it didn't took much time what happened to him. Tears started to built in her eyes but seeing her tears Nicolas become more angry and hold her jaw in a tight grip

"That's why i didn't wanted marry you, you pathetic omega. You people only knows to warm bed and a big emotional fool." Nicolas every was was hurting her more than the grip on her jaw

"Ahh please lea--" her word got cut of by a hard slap and she fall on floor.

"You always wanted to be my wife na then now feel being my wife" Nicolas said while opening his pant's belt.

The whole night Nicolas tortured her. He hit her with belt until he was tired. Sarah was already unconscious as it was too much for her delicate heart and body. Everyone always treated her as princess, all used to love her too much. None have ever talk to her in high voice let alone scolding. Yes it was her dream to get married with Nicolas as their married was fixed when they were child. Sarah always thought Nicolas as his Husband , his alpha. She dreamt so many things for their first night together but she didn't thought something like this would happen even in her bad dreams.

She came to sense feeling a lot of water on her. She blinked a few times to clear her vision. She saw that Nicolas was standing in front of her only in towel , she would have blushed on this scene if things was like before moreover the marks on his body was hurting her more.

"If your sleep is complete then make my breakfast because i fired all the servants. from now you will do all works as i don't like lazy people , don't think you will get everything in one order. Because this is my house, welcome to hell omega." Nicolas said while going to his closet.

In her palace her she used to get up by getting a peck from her father or the warm sunlight. But as he said her life will be hell from now. She tried to get up but felled again. With the support of wall she went to the bathroom and quickly freshen up . She made Nicolas favorite breakfast , she was an excellent cook so it didn't took time to make the dish. When she was setting food on dinning table Nicolas was coming down all in his prince attire which made Sarah to look at him with loving eyes.

"You are again proving how pathetic you are, you are looking at me like a shameless person"

He said while sitting on chair but Sarah didn't said anything. After taking a bite Nicolas throw the plate and slapped her hardly making her corner of lips bleed.

"If you don't want to cook you could have told but how dare you give me such tasteless food"

Nicolas stormed out of the house while Sarah was thinking about how could her food be tasteless. She took some bite from the food but the food was delicious. She only smiled bitterly.

She didn't eat her breakfast as she was too weak and tired so she went on couch and sleeped in hallroom couch. Their parents gift them this mansion so that they could spend sometime alone which could make their bond stronger but the oposite thing was happening. Sarah know that if her father comes to know about this he will take her from here and also break all relation with uncle. She don't want the family to broke apart even if she has to bear a little pain but was it a little,

TO BE CONTINUED.................





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