Watch where your going

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Read this first!

• This story is not like MLN.

• Some violent events will happen in this story.

• This book is not edited so please excuse my typos.

Ready to read?..

BEEP BEEP BEEP. I jerked up to the sound of my alarm going off, I look over to my loud alarm on my desk and I hit it to turn it off I noticed that it's 7PM, I must have token a long nap.

I yawn before Liv kicks open my door "TAYLOR WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOUR ALARM HAS BEEN GOING OFF FOR 30 MINUTES!" She yells at me.

I rub my eyes before answering "liv stop yelling, I just woke up!" I chirped to her as I get up and put my slippers on, "well come on. Me and Akria are leaving in 40 minutes so hurry up." Liv quickly said as she closed the door. I didn't even get time to answer her, I didn't have anything to say to her but still very rude of her.

I got up and trotted over to my bathroom, I did my business, I brushed my teeth, skin care ect... I started to do my hair.

I put my long wavy black hair into two pigtails. I did a little bit of mascara and some light pink lipgloss.

I put on some green baggy cargos with a black cropped tank with white converse's. My phone started to go off with messages from Liv saying: "Taylor hurry the fuck up we're literally about to leave you!", I ignored her text I walked downstairs.

I locked up the house and I walked out the door. Akira in the drivers seat honking the horn.

I quickly walked over to the car and I hopped in the backseat with Liv in the passenger seat, "you took your sweet time." Akira mumbled as he pulled out of the drive way "oh shut up and just drive dickhead." I snapped at him.

After 20 minutes of driving we arrived at a outdoor party type place. I hopped out of the car and waited for the others to get out of the car.

"Taylor come on!" Liv said sweetly as she half smiled, liv had on a pretty revealing outfit, she's wearing a black mini skirt and a very short white crop top with some black boots. All three of us walked into the outdoor party I look around and I notice all the race cars, there's needles on the ground, bags of cocaine, and other evidence of hardcore drugs and alcohol.

I look over to Liv and she didn't seem to care, I look over to Akira and notice he's not beside me.

"Wait Liv where's Akira?" I ask Liv, "uhh i dunno" she sounded distracted so I looked over at her and saw that she's looking over to a guy.

He has medium length hair that's straight and black, he also has white dreads underneath his hair. He was staring at Liv. "Taylor we should go over to him..." liv says as she tugs on my arm, pulling us toward the guy.

We come up to the guy, I'm behind Liv I have my hands on her shoulders peaking behind her. "Hello sweetheart." The guy says to Liv, he has a strong German accent.

"Hi! I'm Liv, what's your name" Liv asked the guy. "I'm Bill, Bill Kaulitz." He answered as he looked at her up and down, "who's your friend?" He asked with a smirk.

"her name is Taylor!" Liv blurted out. I rolled my eyes at Liv for telling this random guy my name.

"Do you want to go for a ride?" He asked Liv, Live nodded her head. Bill handed his hand out to Liv and Liv took his hand, she looked back at me and said "I'll be back Taylor, I promise" she babbled.

I had fear in my eyes I wanted her to stay but I knew she wouldn't listen to me so there's no point of trying to beg her to stay.

I walk away from them and I try to find Akira. After 3 minutes of searching I run into a tall figure, I look up to see what it is.

"What where you're going bitch." His dark German voice gave me chills.

"How about you watch your mouth dickhead" I hissed before I walked away. I continued to look for Akira, after 20 minutes finally I found him he was by his car talking to someone.

it seemed like he was arguing with someone. I ran up to him and he's arguing with Liv and Bill.

"Liv do you know how dangerous this is?!" Akira yelled. "Akira your not my dad so why don't you just piss off?!?" Liv complained as she started to clench her jaw.

"Guys what's going on?" I ask with confusion in my voice Akira and Liv never argue.

"She's trying to go and run off with this guy! She doesn't even know him!" Akira sneered, I gasp in shock. "Liv your being dumb right now. You would never do this. Come on let's go home, please?" I ask, my voice is trembling.

I've known Liv all my life she would never do this, she would never go out with some random guy she just met.

After a few moments of silence Liv speaks up, "how about this, I go hangout with him tonight?" Liv asked, her voice filled with desperation.

"Liv are you kidding? You don't know how dangerous this is! You don't even know him!" Akira blurts out.

"I'll hangout with him for a couple of hours and I'll be home around.. I'll just be home soon." Liv mumbles "fine, but if something bad happens you I'll come and find you." Akira says with fear in his voice, his eyes looked like he was about to cry. He loved liv with all his heart and he never wanted her to get hurt.

Liv nods her head and walks away with Bill, "she's so stupid honestly." I snarled, Akira nods his head. "I'm gonna go get a drink." I sighed after I walked off, I start walking to the drink stand and I bump into a tall figure again.

I look up at the tall figure and notice it's the same guy I roll my eyes, then i walk away this time we both don't say anything to each other, I realized that he kind of looked like Bill but this guy had black cornrows and a black lip piercing.

I make my way over to the crowded drink bar, I wait until it's a little less crowded. While i'm waiting someone stands next to me by my side, I look up at him and notice it's the same guy. "Hello" he spoke, he had a grin on his face.

"What do you want?" I say with attitude as he looked at me from head to toe.

"I don't want anything from you, I just uh, I just think we got off on the wrong foot.." He claimed while rubbing his hands together.

"yeah okay." I rolled my eyes and walked over to the drink table grabbing a cup and pouring a drink into it, as I was pour the drink I felt his eyes on me.

I stop pouring the drink and I look over to him "what?" I ask with attitude "nothing, nothing." He says with a smirk, i roll my eyes and walk off back to Akira.

"Do you think we should leave without Liv?" Akira asks while looking around trying to see if he can find Liv anywhere, "Yeah, we should get out of here." I suggested.

We get into the car, Akira in the driver seat and I'm in the passenger seat, we drive off back home. My mind is racing with thoughts thinking about what Liv is doing, if she's even alive at this point.

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