Oh the things I do for her

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Its been 7 days since I left the house, I was still trying to process what the hell happened.

I'm laying in my bed staring at the ceiling, I was thinking about everything that happened. Suddenly there's a knock on my door.

"Taylor can I come in? It's me Liv."

Liv has been telling me about Bill and their relationship. She also has been telling me about Tom and how pissed off he is that I'm not showing up anymore. I find it pretty funny that he's pissed off.

"Yeah you can some in" I mumble. Liv walks into the room and quickly shuts the door behind her. She walks over to me and motions me to scoot over

I sit up and I scoot over for her to sit down.

"You need to come back to the place with me. Tom wants to talk to you about something," she blurts out quickly "And he's gotten more and more upset that you haven't came." Liv mumbled as she looks at me.

I took a moment to answer her. "Uh yeah okay, should we go tonight." I hesitated

"Yeah, just be ready by 10." She knew I didn't want to go. Liv got up and walked out of the room shutting the door behind her.

Oh the things I do for her.

Its 9:30, I'm already ready. I'm wearing boot cut jeans with a cropped pink Paul Frank tee shirt. My hair is down like always. I didn't put on any makeup today.

Liv storms into my room. "Taylor we have to leave! Bill wants us to be there early!" She yells while looking down at her phone texting bill. Then she walks out.

I put on my converse's and i walk out the front door.

Liv is already in the driver seat. I hop into the passenger seat and she starts to drive over to the place. Once we arrive I take a deep breath praying that nothing bad will happen. I hop out of the car with Liv and we walk into the place this time there was way less people than the last time I was here.

We start to walk around and we bump into Bill and Tom. Bill always say's something that makes her laugh. Me and Tom and standing side by side but he's facing me.

"Taylor." Tom murmured

"Tom." I responded while looking up at him. "Can I take you for a ride?" He asks with a half smile.

I think for a moment. "Um-" I got cut off by Tom "you can trust me, Taylor. I promise I won't take you anywhere you don't like." He reassured.

Him and his promises, i don't even know this guy! I look behind me to see if Liv and Bill are still here but obviously they fucking left. I rolled my eyes to myself. "Fine whatever." I sighed, "you wont regret it." He says while putting his hand out for me to grab it. I take his hand and he takes me to his car, he gets in the drivers seat while i get in the passenger side.

He starts to drive off, whenever I'm in the car with him he always glares at me. "Why do you keep looking at me?" I commented. "You just look nice." Tom mumbled. I ignored him. I look in front of me and I see that we're going up a mountain trail. It looked isolated and I guess "abandoned"

After a couple more minutes of driving up the mountain he parks the car in front of the edge of the mountain but a few feet away.

"Come on." Tom said as he got out of the car and walked over to the edge. I followed him and I stood next to him. I gasped at this beautiful site, the City lights filling up the night sky. Me and Tom stand there looking at the city lights. I felt him look over at me, my eyes glistened in awe. Tom puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Tom why did you take me here?" I muttered softly while still looking at the city "Liv told me that you where kind of recovering from what happened. She told me that you stayed in your room all through out those day when i didn't see you, so I took you here because whenever I come here I feel comforted, I feel like there's nothing else in the world and it's just me. And I hoped that you would find this place comforting too." Tom said silently.

"I've never brung anyone here before" Tom muttered.

I leaned my head on him, the wind blowing on my face. "This place is comforting, thank you Tom." I half smile. He pulls me a little closer as a "your welcome".

We were there a couple minutes like 20 minutes, the ride back was silent but a comforting silence. As we get back to the "party" Liv comes running up to me.

"Taylor! Where did you go?!?" She exclaimed

"I just went on a ride with Tom." I mumbled while looking down trying to hide my smile

Liv and Tom giggled at the fact that I was trying to hide my smile, "Where did you guys go?" Liv asks with her hands on her hips. I look up to Tom and he gave me a "lie to her" type of look.

"We just drove around" i quickly blurted out. Liv knew I was lying but she just nodded her head while squinting her eyes.

"Well Taylor, we should go. Bye Tom" she said sweetly before walking off.

"Goodbye Tom." I say while smiling a little bit then I walk away. I hear him say "bye, Taylor" as I walk away.

On the way back home Liv wouldn't stop asking me questions about Tom. "Taylor why wont you tell me?" Liv sighed

"Because I just don't feel like it! I'm tired!" I exclaimed while rolling my eyes.

I heard her mumble something under her breath. I look at the mirror on the side of the door and I notice a black car following us, the windows where tinted so I couldn't see through it. I didn't think anything of it so I stopped staring.

We finally arrived home, usually Akira doesn't come home until late. Akira is really never home. I run upstairs into my room. I go into my room then into the bathroom and I start washing my face, brush my teeth and everything. I put my hair in a bun and I change into plaid pj shorts and a white tank top. I plopped on my bed and I lay there and I start to think, why would tom bring me there, I mean I know that he wanted me to feel better but he said that this is his first time bringing someone to his spot, so why me? He could have brought me somewhere else.

After a few minutes of thinking about things I start to feel hungry, I get up and put on my slippers. I walk out of my room and i quickly run downstairs, whenever I'm in the dark I always feel like someone's following me. But this time I feel like someone is really following me.

I walk into the dark hallway that follows into the kitchen, I hear creaking behind me. So I turn around and look, nothing. I shrugged it off and i finally reach the kitchen.

I turn the kitchen lights on and I start to look through the fridge for food.

Suddenly someone grabs my waist with force making me grunt. My first instinct is to scream but they put their hand in my mouth.

"I'm sorry Taylor, I won't hurt you. I promise." He mumbled to me, I knew it was a boy. I look up and see that he's wearing a black ski mask.

His eyes looked familiar, Tom.

He injects a needle in my arm that had some fluid in it, my vision got blurry. And I lost consciousness.

Okayyy guys let me know what you think 🙏 >

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