Meeting the In-Laws - Lythrana

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Lythrana grabbed the tankard of mead she had and skulled the whole drink, slamming the, now empty, tankard down and glaring at the man opposite her. He just glared back and tried to do the same, attempting to chug the drink in one go. Lythrana's party had made a bet that they could out-drink the largest man in the bar after accidentally spilling food on him and almost causing a fight. They thought that this was the less hostile way to do it while also still giving the tavern owner money and definitely resulting in less collateral damage than a fight would have caused.

The man opposite Lythrana leaned back as he tried to force his drink down, the table they were sat on now having about twenty empty tankards scattered on it, but as he did, he choked and spat out the mouthful of mead he had onto the floor and collapsed. Lythrana banged her fist on the table in victory, one of her party members lifting her other arm up into the air.

"Haha! Victory goes to us, just as we knew it would! None can out-drink our lady!"

Lythrana just laughed, the alcohol loosening her up slightly, "Damn right you can't."

After the party and other folks within the tavern finished celebrating and things got more quiet, the party made their way up to the room they'd rented, most of them still laughing about Lythrana out-drinking a man almost twice her size. They all got ready for and into their beds, and Lythrana as usual went into Trance as they slept.

"Hey uh, guys? Someone put a thing under the door.."

It was the next morning. The party members slowly all sat up, all of them looking an absolute mess, and every single one of them was hungover.

"What is it?" One of them slurred, rubbing his eyes.

"It's a note, apparently it was sent from the Feywild. It's addressed to Lythrana."

"What? Read it out!"

"No, idiot, wake her up first!"

"Oh right yeah"

One of them grabbed a pillow and gently threw it at her head, snapping the Drow woman out of her Trance. Despite also being hungover, she instinctively grabbed one of her handaxes and brandished it.

"What happened?!"

"Lythrana it's fine we just needed you to wake up."

"I thought I told you all never to wake me up."

"We know but this letter was pushed through the door this morning and it's addressed to you...well sort of"

"What do you mean, 'sort of'? It's either addressed to me or it's not."

"Well it doesn't use your first name, it just says 'to the one who stole the Eveningfall name'."

Lythrana relaxed slightly when they told her it didn't use her first name, that meant it probably wasn't a threat from other Drow elves. But at the mention of 'Eveningfall', her eyes suddenly opened wider. Whoever sent this knew Lieaf.

"Read it. Now!"

"O-okay uh ahem... 'This letter is to the one who stole the Eveningfall name. We know who you are, we know where you are, and if you try to run from us we will find you again. We demand your presence in our court located within the Feywild, you will be escorted there as we have placed sentries at the nearest entrance to your current location. Either come to us voluntarily or we will be forced to bring you here ourselves.'."

One of the party members spoke up after a few seconds of silence, "...that's it?"


"Doesn't it say who sent it?"

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