Why Are You Crying - Yadani 1.0

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"Where is Yadani? The General got word about The Raven from some of his men." Brother Martin asked.

Jinlyl went tense at the mention of Kurgan's title as she lugged around some boxes for Krieg, "How should I know?" She snapped.

Shelby noticed Jinlyl's mood and turned to Brother Martin, "We haven't seen her for a few hours. If you'd like, we can search for her."

"No, it's far too dangerous even for you two," Brother Martin looked around before his tired gaze landed on someone who was expendable, but not a person he particularly wanted to speak with, "I will ask someone else."

With that, Shelby and Jinly were left looking at each other, slightly concerned but mostly just wanting Yadani back so they could hear the news about Kurgan. The priest made his way over to the wooden structure at the centre of the camp, where a cage was held suspended over a large pool of holy water. As he made his way up the steps, the creature inside of the cage grinned at him, his fangs gleaming in the light. He flicked his head to the side to move his wavy, red hair out the way of his eyes and eyed the priest like he was a toy.

"Well well well, if it isn't my least favourite visitor~." The vampire said, his hands gently holding the bars of the cage as he leaned forward.

"Believe me, visiting you brings me no more joy than it does you."

"You wound me, Brother Martin."

"Enough of this. Has Yadani mentioned going anywhere to you today?"

"Nope. Haven't seen her today actually, a shame too. She's the only good view around here."

Brother Martin made a noise of disgust as he rolled his eyes slightly then motioned for the General to walk over to him. Styx looked over at the priest with confusion then shock as Brother Martin asked the General to open the cage and let Styx out. The General reluctantly complied, and before Brother Martin could change his mind, Styx stood next to Martin, stretching his back.

"We have soldiers patrolling the streets now armed with everything they need to cause any of your kind harm. So don't even try to run away. Find Yadani and bring her back here." Brother Martin instructed.

"Aw you're letting me go outside all by myself? You trust me that much?"

"Not as far as I could throw our blacksmith. Get moving."

"Okaaay okay fine, goodness, you priests. All work and no fun."

Styx swaggered out of the refugee camp, the humans there looking at him like he was a vicious, rabid dog that would attack at any moment. Shelby and Jinlyl immediately clocked Styx leaving and rushed over to ask Brother Martin what the hell was going on.

Styx wandered the dark, ghoul-infested streets of Berlin. Even for him, looking around at what the city had become now was depressing. While wandering and searching for the missing tiefling, Styx drank from a couple of lone ghouls he passed by - they weren't exactly delicious but it was all that was available to him. Brother Martin and the General didn't really keep him well-fed.

He sighed with frustration after about forty minutes of searching, dragging his fingers through his hair, pushing it out the way of his eyes once again.

I mean she's ridiculous but surely she can hold her own for one night. How important is this information he has to tell those three that I have to be out here--

Then he heard it..

A faint sob echoing through the mostly silent streets..

Styx instantly felt something change in his mind. It wasn't a feeling he liked. His bright yellow eyes glanced around as he made his way over to where the noise was coming from. It was getting louder as he got closer, less sobs, but sniffles and other sounds associated with crying. He still couldn't see her, though. As he went to roll his eyes, he caught a glance of a tail, the white colour contrasting against the dark roof of a tall building.

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