*** silver ***

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Oh, I just love being dead! Please note the sarcasm if that wasn't already obvious enough, and I'm not even a sarcastic person in general either, just saying.

      It's not that I find it explicitly horrible or anything, it's just that it sure as hell doesn't feel amazing either. It's like that feeling where one has a really nice dream that feels totally realistic but then they wake up and realise none of that ever happened and they actually don't even remember, like, half of what even went on in the whole thing...

      ... and then, to make things worse, it turns out even the stuff they do in fact remember are just all jumbled up and shit! I mean, well, it's like they do remember a few stuff, but they just don't really know the proper context of those dreams in any correct order once they wake up so it all seems very faint... but they know they loved that dream and would have wished it were real.

      Well, anyways, I'm they and that's almost exactly the kind of thing I'm experiencing right now. However, this is more awful because it's the real life that I've lived being forgotten just like those dreams this time.

      And the worst part is I can't even vent out my feelings to anyone I loved like I slightly remember doing back when I was alive because I'm all alone here. There's no one I knew from then and no one I can, at the very least, see properly because it's all dark in here.

      I don't even remember my death, all I know is that I've just woken up here in this random place. I do not recall my own name.

      Life certainly chose not to flash before my eyes as I was being taken away from it. 

So, I'm currently on a little bamboo raft sailing across a nameless black river. The background is shrouded in a type of darkness where it appears that I'll never see daylight ever again afterwards because it's just going to remain midnight forever.

      Just that sweet, peaceful dead of the night.

      (No pun intended up there, by the way.)

      Honestly, it's not scary at all, really. I'm not being sarcastic, by the way, seriously.

      I'm not actually all alone here unlike whatever I'd been saying earlier. There is someone – or something perhaps – else sailing the raft but they're covered in thick shadows so I cannot make out who or what it is. I just know there is another living being with me on the raft and it actually doesn't appear to want to hurt me or anything, though (but I can't be too sure, I can't even see it anyways). And I found out I was dead when I arrived here because this being had told me a few minutes earlier, "Welcome to the Afterlife. I'll be taking you to the Waiting Area now."

      "So am I actually dead or... is this just another dream actually and I just happen to not remember my life in this? Am I gonna remember any of that when I wake up again? Does dreaming about the Afterlife mean that I'm gonna enter a drastic change in life later or something?" I ask after a very long interval digesting whatever they'd told me at the beginning. That silence was made of too much overthinking and severely mixed emotions.

      "I don't think you'd really ask all that in your dreams of all things, to be honest. Dreams are usually comically meaningless as far as I'm concerned... especially whatever you'd been having back when you were alive. Also, most dreams are not as organised as whatever that is happening right now, are they? People rarely talk properly in dreams like this and they don't even question anything that goes on in them even if the dream is a million times more absurd and bizarre than our present interaction. No, darling, I'm afraid this isn't a dream as you probably hoped it would be." Their voice sounds deep and masculine but not in a human-like manner; it doesn't even sound frightening or anything, just mysterious as far as I can tell.

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