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Rocky's POV

Rocky spent the greater part of the night crying, back against the wall. He felt like his body was made of lead, and he couldn't muster the willpower to get off the floor. Something is broken in me. He thought, staring at his dim reflection through the mirror of tears at his paws.

He never thought Zuma would actually hurt him.

He wanted to be upset with him, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it was all his fault and he deserved to be punished like that. All I wanted was to keep him safe... sigh....

The pup clutched at his heart, barely breathing. His remaining reason for existence was slipping through his paws and he couldn't stop it. His soul was being ripped apart, stitched back together, and shredded apart again, over and over.

"Rough night?" A voice identical to his own sounded next to his ear. Rocky looked down at his now semi-transparent paws and sighed. Michael.

"Yeah, well, it could be better." Rocky replied, not even turning his head to look at him.

"I'm... I'm really sorry about what happened." Michael rested a paw on Rocky's shoulder. "I get Zuma was upset but that was uncalled for." He lightly traced the score marks on Rocky's cheek with a paw. Rocky quickly pushed his paw away and turned his head even further.

"Don't patronize me." He mumbled.

"You are bleeding, Rocky, I don't think I'm patronizing you." He responded dryly.

"I'm sure he had a good reason. I.... I guess I had to be taught a lesson." Rocky bowed his head and closed his eyes, depression setting in.

"A lesson for what? Trying to protect the boy you love?"

"No... for making decisions for both of us. I do it all the time, y'know. If there is ever a choice between me and him, I'll choose him every time. It doesn't mean I'm trying to be the hero, I just.... I really love him." Rocky finally looked up at him, hopelessness shining in his eyes. "But I guess he doesn't feel the same way about me anymore." Michael was silent for a moment, only the swishing of his tail breaking the silence. Rocky shifted a little closer to him and leaned his head against his shoulder.

"I don't believe for a moment that Zuma doesn't still love you. He's always been smitten with you. But y'know... when he gets worked up, he does some pretty... irrational things."

"I don't know what to do though, Michael. I tried to explain what happened, but he wouldn't listen to me. He says they are just excuses. I think... I think I should just stay out of his way until he's calmed down."

Michael licked the top of Rocky's head comfortingly. "Well, whatever you decide to do, don't worry too much. The love you two have for each other is real, and it's strong. You won't be able to resist each other for long."

"I hope so." Rocky replied, straightening up. "Because I don't know what I'd do without him."

He turned to look at Michael, but he was gone, only bits of stardust floating in the air, filling the space where he once was. However, Ricky felt a hug just as warm as if he was still there, and a lick on the cheek that left behind a clean, icy trail. The room lit up briefly as the stardust swirled around Rocky before disappearing. He looked down at his now solid paws and took a deep breath.

Thank you....

A few hours later...

Zuma's POV

Zuma mindlessly stalked away, not caring where he went as long as it was away from Rocky. Why would he leave me like that?! I wouldn't do the same to him. This whole time I've tried to be there for him, to comfort him, and to keep his mind from falling to pieces. Did any of that mean anything to him? The one time I really, really needed him he ran away... from me...

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