Gun play

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Here you are lying on your back as he pounds into you, pushing in every inch his has until your body is properly filled and numb, with his hand pressed on your lower abdomen he can feel the length going into you it feels good, too good, and he cant help but revel the way you tighten as the barrel hits your rib with every thrust you look up at him as he slides his hand down to your clit pushing you over the edge your back arches

Ghost almost finishes at the sight before him "if you don't finish before me" he looks down at your pathetic face "I'll load 10 rounds into your body.

                                                  Your POV

I  shutter at the sight before me ghost fucking me  roughly with his favorite gun the barrel hitting my sweet spot over and over until the only thing I could do was moan and plead for him to allow me to  release "Please ghost I want to cum" i  plead with him for several moments but it gets me absolutely no where. My pleading only feeds into his sadistic fantasy of killing me as I cum before him

The anticipation was killing me  with every thrust each time he hits my  g spot all I could think about was staning his gun white with my cum "Fuck, oh yes that's the spot please don't stop" I beg feeling my climax grow closer and closer


Ghost grip tightens on the gun as his eyes never leave yours his expression cold and unreadable he hears your pleads but pays no mind to them at this point in time.

Ghost looks at you he can see how desperate you are for a release you crave it your hips buck at the slightest touch he knows exactly how to play with your desires how to keep you on the edge with both pleasure and pain with a smirk he takes the gun out and presses it against your neck harshly cutting off you air flow just enough to make you gasp for another breath

"Please?" His voice dripping with annoyance and amusement "you think I give a fuck about what you want, you're here merely for my pleasure on click and you're done isn't that right?" You look up at him with pleading eyes as your hips buck at the sight of him holding a gun into your neck

God you're sick, you'd love nothing more than for him to make you beg for your life he controls everything about you and you know it down to your last breath

His slides his hard member into your heat not giving you time to adjust to his size he slams hard into you his cock throbbing as he feels a familiar knot in his stomach he can sense the urgency in your movements the way you tremble and moan with anticipation

"But if you want to cum you're gonna have to beg for it" he taunts, his voice low and demanding "beg me to grant you that sweet release you so crave and yearn for and maybe, just maybe, ill consider your pathetic request"


                                                   Your POV

I watch as ghost's dominance facades and remains there as he watches me squirm beneath him, his grip on the gun unwavering the one who has control can easily be spotted out between the two of us I know he has the control over me and the pleasure that is just out of reach for me.

"Please let me cum" I  cry out over and over; this only makes him fuck me harder and press the gun down harsher against your throat

After a while of being harshly fucked and my air ways being manipulated I began to lose control my hips shaking along with the rest of my body my eyes rolling into the back of my head

My moans turn into loud screams of pain and pleasure the knot in my stomach begins to grow larger my eyes never leave the ball of my head

All I can think about is releasing "I wanna cum" is all that comes in-between screams.


Ghost smirks at your desperate pleas reveling in the power he has over you the pain and pleasure he inflicts upon you brings him a twisted satisfaction he can see the knot of desire building inside of you, your body trembling and aching you're nothing but a pathetic object underneath him the screams you endure only satisfy him more drawling him closer to his climax and closer to your death.

He watches your facial expression and your eyes roll back this only makes him fuck you harder his thrust becoming relentless of your body having any feelings, though he's not ready to let you orgasm just yet he wants to push you past the edge and hold you there until you barely have consciousness, until you're teetering between ecstasy and desperation

With a cruel smirk he leans into you, his face so close that his lips brush against yours as he speaks "No not yet, you pathetic whore" his breath hot against your skin  "you get to suffer a little longer before i decide to let you cum, I want you to cry and scream for a release"

Ghost continues his relentless assault on your body, his moves becoming more precise and calculated.

He delights in the way you shake beneath him almost  uncontrollably, the way your beautiful eyes roll into the back of you head in sheer  pleasure the anticipation builds, the tension in the room palpable as both of you teeter on the edge of release.

But he's in control and he relishes every moment of it, he wants to break up down until you're nothing but a mere corpse, but the way he feels about you won't allow him, pushing those feelings aside he looks down into your eyes making him shudder. He's growing close and you both can feel it.
                                                  Your POV
I look up at ghost my hands and whole body shaking I plead and squirm for a release and yet I get nothing in return

I look down and see the gun pressed to my throat still this gives me a unbearable amount of pleasure my eyes roll back again as I see a flash of white then a quick flash of black

I feel ghost's hand come up and slap my face harshly as I slip in a out of consciousness "you think you can escape that easily?" His voice comes out in a low growl that makes me shudder "no you're going to endure of moment of this every second, every thrust, every pang of pain; you're going to be my obedient little slut and stay awake for me" that sends me over the edge as my legs begin to shake i chase my release and ride i high

I cum all over his dick and he cums inside of me at the same time I try and use this to my advantage to hide my orgasm but my legs won't stop shaking I know I've messed up when the gun is released from my throat and placed inside of me.

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